Chapter Twenty-Five

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  "Miss Beckett, the truck is outside waiting for you." Blair said, causing me to jolt awake.

  "Scrap!" I exclaimed, jumping off of my desk chair and whirling around my room to change. After coming back to the base yesterday, I had done some snooping in some government files and must have ended up falling asleep at my desk. I hurried to brush my teeth, throw my hair up into a bun, and shove my papers into my school bag.

  "Blair, toast a bagel for me!" I called as I stumbled downstairs. I snatched my coat off the chair I had tossed it over and grabbed the bagel from the toaster, not bothering to put anything on it, before running out the door, where a certain truck was parked.

  "Good morning, Amanda," Optimus Prime said once I climbed into the passenger seat.

  "'Morning," I replied, slumping back in the seat and taking a bite out of my bagel as he began to drive down the driveway and towards Jasper High.

  "Did you miss your alarm?" he asked, making me laugh a bit.

  "No, I slept through it," I admitted. "I told Blair that if I ever slept through my first alarm to not bother me until something comes up."

  "If anything, you're well rested." he offered.

  I laughed again. "True enough, Optimus. What's the plan for today?"

  "Patrol for signs of Decepticons unless something comes up."

  "As usual." I took another bite out of my bagel as we pulled up to the school, which I looked at warily. "Don't make me go in there. I'd rather go on patrol with you. I'll be helpful, promise."

  I tried this argument before, and Optimus still didn't budge. "Amanda, your education is important-"

  "But I already know how to do the important stuff!"


  Sighing, I grabbed my bag. "Fine. But I want you to know that if I die of boredom, it's on you."

  "I will see you at the end of the day," there was a hint of amusement in his tone, which made me smile.

  "See ya, Optimus." I said and got out of the truck. Still eating my bagel, I climbed up the steps to the school doors, turning back to see Optimus start to drive away.

  "A!" I turned and saw Miko running towards me. "'Bout time you got here. I thought you were skipping and forgot to tell me."

  I gave her a smirk. "I just slept through my alarm. Besides I'm not that-"


  "-late." Miko gave me a knowing grin and I shook my head.

  "Whatever you say," She plucked a piece of my bagel out of my hand and popped it into her mouth. "You finish the math work?"


  "Good, cause I need someone to copy off of."


  Once the bell rang for lunch, I was one of the first out the door. Not only had I spent all of math and biology trying not to fall asleep, but my teachers had decided that today was 'let's make Amanda suffer' day and had me answer every other question. I headed towards my locker, where I saw someone waiting for me.

  "Hey Miko," I said, opening my locker to shove in my binders and switch them with my last two period binders.

  "A, I've got a question." She said, making me look up.

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