Chapter Six

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  I watched as Amanda kept on running her hand on the wall, obviously looking for a way out. What was with her? No one in Jasper knew anything about her, just that she lived on a massive piece of land at the edge of the town. Other than that, nothing. Of course there was talk, about how she was an infamous art thief or an assassin for hire, but none of that could be true. Still, there was something strange about her. How reserved she was. Everyone knew everything about everyone in Jasper. But no one knew anything about her.

  I hadn't realized how long it had been since the Autobots left until voices filled the base.

  "Ratchet!" Optimus Prime's voice came from one of the large computers. I looked towards it and saw that the computers were probably hooked up to some sort of communication link. "Bridge us back! Use the arrival coordinates now!"

  Ratchet rushed to reopen the ground bridge and soon, all four Autobots were speeding into the base, a cloud of blue following them. The second they were though, Ratchet closed the ground bridge. I spotted Amanda move from the exit tunnel to walk up onto the platform with Miko, Raf and I as the Autobots transformed and skidded to a stop.

  "Whoa," Miko, Raf and I said at the same time as we saw the Autobots stand. I glanced at Amanda, who had her arms crossed and was stiff, but saw a bit of awe in her eyes before she shoved it away.

  "Cutting it a bit close," Ratchet commented before softening his tone. "How about Cliffjumper?"

  The four Autobots looked at the ground, indicating the mission to find Cliffjumper hadn't gone so well. Miko rushed to the railing of the platform.

  "What was that explosion?" She started asking her speedfire questions. "Was there a fight? Can we come with next time?"

  Arcee growled, her face dead serious, as she snapped, "Look-"

  I stepped forward, cutting off the conversation before Arcee blew up on Miko. "Hey, hey, Miko." I put an arm around her, pulling her away. "Let's go see what the bots hide in their sock drawers."

  "Seriously?" She asked, not impressed. But, Amanda nodded before grabbing Raf's hand and tugging him behind us. We all walked down the stairs, away from the platform, and ducked behind a wall that lead to a long hallway. Once we were halfway down, I noticed Amanda wasn't with us anymore. I whirled around and saw her standing at the end of the hallway, peering at the Autobots.

  "Amanda!" I hissed and she waved me off. Miko took that opportunity to dash and she hurried to stand behind Amanda. The moment Raf followed, I knew I had lost them.

  "Arcee," We heard Optimus start. "What did you see?"

  "Not Cliff," Acree's voice was weaker than when she snapped at Miko, almost breaking. "At least, not anymore. He was mutated, butchered, like something from those Con experiments during the war."

  I heard Bumblebee buzz in concern, then Arcee again.

  "I'm fine," She insisted. "Just dizzy."

  At that point we were all peering around the corner, watching the scene unfold.

  "Robots who get dizzy?" Miko whispered.

  "Robots with emotions," Raf added.

  I swallowed hard. "Robots who can die."


  "Robots who can die," Jack finished and I felt sick. He just had to add that, didn't he? This made my stomach whirl again, but I forced myself to calm down. I refocused on the scene unfolding in front of me.

  Ratchet was scanning Arcee, who had taken a seat on a container, looking for the reason behind her dizziness. "What is this?" He asked, peering at something on her hand before taking a sample.

  "Don't know," Arcee replied. "Cliff was covered in it, leaking it."

  "Go take a decontamination bath," Ratchet said. "Now."

  Bumblebee helped Arcee up and lead her to a device on the lab side of the base, one that looked like a huge tube. I gazed after them, not noticing Jack, Miko and Raf run out from behind the wall and back up onto the platform.

  "Optimus?" Jack said, looking at his phone. "I- I hate to bug but-" He held up his phone. "No bars."

  The lead Autobot nodded. "A security precaution. The silo walls isolate all radiowaves."

  "Well, if I don't call my mom, like now, I'm pretty sure the cops will be out looking for me," Jack said as I joined them on the platform, still keeping my distance. Huh, I guess there was one perk to being a lonely person. No parents to ground me for being late.

  Optimus leaned forward. "Have you broken a law?"

  "A curfew," Jack replied. "It's after ten p.m."

  "I better get home too," Raf piped up. "Or I'll be grounded for a year."

  Miko nodded in agreement and Optimus furrowed his brow.

  "Earth customs," He said. "I hadn't considered. But the issue of your safety remains." He turned to the other Autobots. "Bulkhead, accompany Miko home-"

  Miko grinned. "Awesome! My host parents will freak!"

  "-And maintain covert surveillance in vehicle form." Optimus finished.

  "Curbside duty," Bulkhead said. "Got it."

  "Aw," Miko groaned, probably because all her dreams of monster trucking with Bulkhead were squashed.

  "Bumblebee," Optimus called and Bumblebee turned. "You'll watch over Raf."

  Raf and Bumblebee exchanged a smile before Optimus continued.

  "Ratchet-" he started.

  "Busy!" Ratchet interrupted.

  "Arcee," Optimus decided as Arcee walked out of the tube thingy. "You'll accompany Jack."

  Arcee fanned her face. "Ooh, still dizzy."

  "You're fine!" Ratchet said, still not looking up from his lab bench. "Says your physician."

  She shrugged and walked over to us. Optimus finally turned back to us, specifically looking at me.

  "And I'll accompany Amanda," He decided and I held back an eye roll. I don't want anyone to accompany me home.

  Bumblebee, Bulkhead and Arcee all transformed into their vehicle modes and Raf, Miko and Jack hopped in before they all drove down the exit tunnel. I sighed as I walked down the stairs and towards Optimus.

  "I don't need you to watch over me," I declared, putting my hands on my hips. "I've got a security system that compares to some of the most secure facilities in the world. You being around won't do much."

  Optimus looked down at me. "Your security system did not prevent me from parking on your lawn."

  "That's because it deemed you non threatening."

  Ratchet snorted. "Then it may have a few bugs."

  I glared at the back of his head before turning back to the lead Autobot. "I don't need you around."

  "I'm afraid this is not up for debate, Amanda," Optimus said. "We must leave immediately if we're to arrive before your parents also notice you have broken curfew."

  I glared at him darkly. "My parents are dead."

  His face filled with surprise but I didn't want to see that. So I crossed my arms and glanced at the exit.

  "Let's just go," I grumbled and Optimus transformed into his vehicle mode. I got into the passenger side of the truck and he pulled out of the base. We spent most of the time in silence, with me staring out the window at the night sky and Optimus just driving. A small part of me did feel kind of bad for snapping at him, all of them really. It wasn't their fault my whole life was a mess. But I shoved that feeling down, repeating the mantra that stuck with me ever since Mom died.

  If you're alone, no one can leave you.

Scars Don't Heal - Transformers Prime (1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें