Chapter Thirty

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  Back at base, the five of us stood in front of the Autobots after they made sure we were alright.

  "Look, if you're gonna blame anybody," Miko said. "Blame me."

  "I'm sorry," Jack leaned in, his tone bitter. "Could you repeat that a couple dozen times?"

  I elbowed him and he sighed before dropping his snark.

  "Miko, what you endured today has been lesson enough," Optimus said, and I saw relief clear on his face. "We are just glad you are all safe."

  Bulkhead crouched down next to Miko. "Guess it was a good thing you dropped this." He had her phone balanced on his finger. "Too bad you didn't get any pictures."

  She took her phone, shaking her head. "Naw, that's okay. I think after all this, I pretty much have zombie close-up seared into my brain."

  Despite myself, I smiled at that. The Autobots seemed to want to hear the story about what happened in the shadow zone, so we were quickly rounded up to the platform and were telling the story. I didn't talk for most of it, my mind elsewhere, but then Miko got to a certain part of the story.

  "So I had to run out and grab Raf's glasses," She said, the Autobots listening intently. "But once I got them, the zombicon was right there, so Amanda-"

  "Hey, at least let me tell my part." I said, cutting her off with a fake excited tone. "I just grabbed a nearby rock the size of my head and chucked it at Skyquake. It distracted him for long enough for Miko to get out of there."

  She gave me a funny look, but didn't push me any further. Truthfully, I didn't know why I kept the silver dust thing away from the Autobots, but I knew that telling them wouldn't help me at all. Maybe I was still afraid it was going to be there forever, or that it was just a temporary thing. Maybe it was the fact that it still felt like I failed to protect these guys, even though I was the one who was supposed to be properly trained and such.

  When Jack was telling the part about using Starscream's arm, I gave him a look that made him skip over the silver dust I used to launch the rocket, saying that I just found the trigger. After the whole story was done and the Autobots dispersed for a moment, everyone gathered around me.

  "Why didn't you let me tell them about the dust?" Miko demanded.

  "Keep your voice down," I snapped. "And I don't know. It was probably nothing. Hell, it was most likely just a shadow zone glitch, I don't know! The point is, I don't want to make a big deal of it."

  She made an unimpressed face, but Finn cut in. "We'll only tell them about it if you want us to. Right guys?"

  They all nodded, though Miko was reluctant. Then Raf looked up at me.

  "Could we test it?" He asked. "I mean, if it wasn't a shadow zone glitch."

  I shrugged. "As long as no one tells the Autobots."

  He grinned and I knew no one would spill, just to keep Raf happy, which made me calm down.

  After a bit, everyone declared that we were tired and wanted to head home. I packed up my things and watched as Optimus told Ratchet something before walking towards me. As he lowered his gaze to me, I looked away and pretended that I had been watching the others leave the whole time. I was still afraid that he'd be disappointed in me, and truthfully, I'd rather run from that then face it.


  Shut up.

  "Amanda?" Optimus' voice somewhat startled me and I saw he was standing right in front of me. "Are you ready to go?"

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