Chapter 27

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A/N:We're about to do a little time jump and it's for a reason and also this book is almost finished. :)

Kierra in Media

Kierra Pov

6 months later...

"So do you want to have pizza or pizza?" Michael asked as her flopped down on the couch beside me,"Pizza I guess" I said rubbing my stomach and felt a small kick,I smiled at the thought that I was almost due and we would finally know the gender of the baby,We decided to keep it a secret because I want to prove Michael wrong and that's it's a boy.

"We don't have any names yet" Michael said making my head snap towards him,"Are you serious!?" I asked,How the hell did I forget that we didn't have any names? "Yep but don't worry I took it upon myself and looked up some names" he said proudly while I'm over here panicking.

"Those names are?" I asked as he just smirked,"Chiara" he said,"Chiara" I said tasting it out,"Michael why does it sound like my name but more fancier?" I asked noticing the similar pronunciation. "Well technically it is but it's in Italian it means bright,clear,& famous" he said,"Of course" I said,"You know I had to" he said smiling and wrapping his arms around me.

"Well since it's gonna be a boy I think the perfect names should be Francesco or Vincenzo Giovanni" I said,"Well I prefer Vincenzo but you shouldn't worry till we welcome our baby girl into the world but don't worry Vince will be the here in 2 years" he said

"Guys!!" Maya said running into the room,Leo right behind who looked a little out of breathe,"Move Michael I have to tell Kierra something that doesn't involve male ears" she said as she sat down between me and Michael. "Whatever just don't sit so close you could spread some disease to our baby" he said grabbing the Lysol and spraying it around us.

"Michael go!" I yelled snatching the can from him,"Okay I just don't want you or the baby to get sick" he said smiling and walking towards Leo,"Hi big brother want to go and shoot some people" he said causally slapping Leo on the back,"Touch me again and I'll break your fingers" Leo said through gritted teeth.

"Yeah yeah I heard that Teo found a spy and apparently he's part of the dudes that left that scar on his face" he said walking out of the room,Leo following behind him.

"Okay now Kierra I have some news" she said,my eyes widened."You're pregnant!" I yelled,she chocked on the air,"No definitely not but Stella is" she said,"OMG really by who and does Leo and Michael know?" I asked,"I don't know his name but Stella told me they've been seeing each of for about a year" she said

"Where is Stella?" I asked feeling a little kick in my stomach,Maya caught the little movement and smiled,The thing about Maya is that she notice the smallest things you wouldn't,Like she could noticed the smallest piece of lint on your clothes. "She said she was going for a drive" she said,"That's code for she's going to talk to her baby daddy" I said

"Well I'm just happy for her even though she is 50 she'll be a great mom" she said,"You could be a great mom too" I said smirking,She looked at my belly and frowned,"I doubt I want to walk around like a penguin and plus there's enough baby making in this house" she said sitting Indian style on the couch,"I can't help it and plus penguins are cute" I defended the little things.

"Oh you're right,They are cute and you're just...ugly" she said laughing. "You don't want to mess with a pregnant lady" I said taking off my shoe,she looked at my shoe and scoffed,"Oooh I'm so scared" she said mockingly,I swung my arm and hit her in the face with the bottom of my shoe.

"Fucking hell!" she yelled holding her forehead,"You bitch ugh I can't stand you" she said being overdramatic,The doorbell rung cutting her off from her rants,"Pizza's here" I said handing her the $10. "I love you!" she said taking the money and running to the door. "Miss I have your pepperoni pizzas" she said sitting the pizza down on the coffee table.

"Should we get Michael and Leo?" I asked,she looked at me and thought about it for a moment,"Nah!" we both said at the same time digging into the pizzas.

1  1/2 pizzas later...

"Maya I'm full" I said groaning,"Me two but I'm craving a moonpie right now" she said,"Maya that's just being fucking fat" I said,How can you think about food when you've had almost 2 pizzas. "What the hell!?" Michael's voice rang through the hall,I feel like I have a huge hangover.

"Hello Michael" I said burping at the end,"When did the pizza get here?" he asked,"Um about 1...2...yeah between those two numbers" Maya said,"Have either one of you thought that we could've wanted food also?" Leo asked,"Yeah earlier but then we really...really thought about it we decided that you didn't want any" I said.

"Maya let's go to bed" Leo said picking her up,"But I'm not sleepy" she whined,"Well we can always fix that" he whispered but now low enough,"Ew get a room!" I yelled throwing pillow at them,"Night Kierra" Maya yelled as he carried her up the stairs,"It's only 7" I said looking at the clock and noticing the light outside from the window.

"I know but seriously you could've saved me some pizza" he said,picking up the empty box,"There's some in that box" I said pointing to the other one,"Only five slices!" he complained,I laughed at the face he made then froze when I felt something wet of down my leg.



"My water just broke"


4 chapters remaining :)

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