Chapter 19

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Maya POV
"Bitch what the hell you mean like my parents" I asked,I swear if she had something to do with this I am murdering her myself. Once I get out of this chair of course. She giggled,Yep that's right that girly as giggle.

"Poor Maya has no clue what is going on,Leo why don't you tell her what happen since you were there" she turning towards a struggling Leo.

"Roman I don't know what kind of sick joke you are playing but it has to end!" He yelled authority lacing his voice. "Really Leo you haven't told her" Roman said,"Told me what that you're a bitch?" I asked,she laughed and turned towards me with a grin.

"Well Maya I have been called worst but that shouldn't concern you,the only thing that should concern your pretty little head is what Leo had to do with your parents murder" she said

I looked towards Leo and saw he looked pale oh you should be scared you little bitch. "Please Leo tell me what you had to do with my parents murder?" I asked.

"Maya I had nothing to do with it she's just trying to get into your head" he said pleading for me to drop it but no I might be bleeding out but I'm about to get some answers today.

"Maya did he also tell you what he and his brother wanted with my sister?" she asked

"No please do tell me" I said,"Well Leo here was promised my sisters hand in marriage but our family was burnt alive and the contract signed by our families said if anything happened to either Angelica or Leo and one of them died then the remaining person would get whatever the dead spouse had" she explained

"Okay and that has to do with me because..." I said.

"Oh no that has nothing to do with you but I believe how he murdered your parents has a lot to do with you" She said

"Fuck!" Michael cursed,"Maya don't listen to what she is saying it's part of her little plan!" Leo yelled punching one of the henchman in the face. "Maya the Giovanni brothers are bad news your friend has gotten trapped by one of them but it's not to late for you" she said giving me a small smile

"Leo did you kill my parents?" I asked,"Maya-" I cut him off,"Did you fucking kill my parents?" I asked through gritted teeth,"Yes" he whispered. "See Maya he lied to you,you laid in the same bed as your parents murderer, Join me and I promise you answers and the truth" she said looking me in the eye.

"Maya let me explain and then you will understand" he said pleading me to say yes,"Leo you knew all along" I asked,he sighed "Yes" he said,"Michael did you know about this?" I asked."No but if I did I would have beat Leo's ass" he said glaring at Leo

"I'm telling you Maya I can give you answers just said yes and I will let them go and not harm your friend and them" she said,Kierra is pregnant and I don't want to do anything that risks her life,"Maya please don't do this" Leo begged, I don't know who I can trust anymore. "I have decided" I said closing my eyes.

Kierra POV
"Stella what can I do?" I whined for the 10th time,"Nothing we don't want you to stress the baby" she said again. "It's not fair that I have to sit here while my beatfriend and boyfriend are missing" I said

"They will be find I sent Teo and some guys out to look for them" she said,"Who the hell is Teo?" I asked. "He has gray eyes with brown hair and a scar down his right eye" she said,"Oh I ran into him,he seems like a asshole" I said

She laughed "He just has a tough shell to crack but he is actually a giant teddy bear" she said,"Stella I think he has to be nice to you cause if not he will probably be killed" I said

"You actually maybe right" she said thinking about it,"Stella I sometimes worry about you" I said smiling. "Well don't worry too much cause it'll take up your whole brain" she said laughing at her own joke

"In all seriousness I want to help find them" I said,"Kierra you are going to sit your pregnant ass down and eat something then go to sleep and Michael and Maya along with Leo will be back by the time you wake up" she said,"But I'm not hungry" I said rubbing my belly

"Then sleep" she said throwing me a cover "BUT SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!" I said fist bumping the air,"I know where you got that from" she said "Of course who doesn't know Jacksepticeye he is only like the best energetic,loud,funniest YouTuber" I said

"Well I think you should sleep" she said,"And I think I shouldn't" I said putting my feet on the coffee table,she glared at me and I put my feet on the floor. "You really should or I will make you speak with Teo" she said smirking knowing she won

"You know I'm suddenly tired" I said pulling the cover over me,"Goodnight Kierra" she said as I closed my eyes,"Goodnight" I mumbled drifting off.

I peeked my eyes open as I felt myself being picked up,"Michael" I mumbled,"Shh sleep" he said as he laid me down in the bed and climbed in beside me,"Where is Maya and Leo?" I asked my eyes getting heavy,"Sleep Kierra" he said and sleep is what I did

"Stupid ass Roman" I mumbled as I punched a hole in my bedroom,There was a knock on the door and my mom stuck her head in the door,"Leo! Stop punching fucking holes in the walls!" she yelled

"Momma please get out" I said punching another hole,"I'm about to get my belt now stop punching holes it won't get you anywhere" she said. "Mom you don't understand" I said running my hand through my hair,"Leo let's talk it out,Not punch it out" she said

I shook my head "I just need time I will talk with you tomorrow" I said pushing her out. "Oh Roman your sister is gonna be broken when she leaves here if she even survives" I said to myself

Angelica POV
I can't see anything with this stupid blindfold over my eyes,I don't get the point it's not like I could see shit since they knocked out. "Angelica are you scared?" a voice asked I think it is Leonardo,"No" I said,"Then how come you are shaking in fear?" he asked

"I'm cold" I said "Oh you want me to fix that for you?" he asked I could hear the smirk written on his face,"I probably wouldn't like what you have in mind" I said,he chuckled,"How about your blood?" he asked as I heard footsteps coming closer,"Yeah..No thanks" I said

"Too bad I was just asking you to make you feel more comfortable but I guess we have to do this the hard way" he said and I felt a pain in my stomach "You son of a bitch" I cursed.

Roman In Media

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