Chapter 29

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Leo Pov

"Why the hell are you on my property?" I asked again, he rolled his eyes,"Like I said I'm Snake and I need to speak to Maya and please put the weapon down" he said,"Listen dude I don't know why you're looking for my girlfriend but you have five seconds before I shoot you" I said.

"Okay pizza you left me no choice" he said and pulled a gun out and pointed it at me. "Leo hurry up!" Maya yelled from upstairs,"Look Leo I just need some information and I promise you it will take only a few minutes" he said,"If you can't make it a few seconds than it's not important" I said,he sighed and gave me a pitiful look.

"Hard way it is" he said as as he hit me in the head with the butt of his gun. "Motherfucker" I said as I clenched my head,he pushed passed me and ran upstairs,"MAYA RUN!" I yelled as I tried to get my vision back but all I saw was stars.

Maya Pov

"MAYA RUN!" Leo's voice rang throughout the house,I heard footsteps run up the stairs,I can't run if they're coming up the stairs so I have to hide,
Under the bed seems like a good option.

Quickly I scooted under the bed trying to make as less noise as possible,I heard doors being opened and closed till our bedroom door was thrown open.

"Maya I known your in here" a very familiar voice said,This is how I die,The date wasn't the best so he's going to kill me,This right here kids is why you don't go on dates with strangers that someone suggests.

He stopped in front of the bed,"I wonder where she went" he said,"Boo!" he said leaning down,"Shit!" I yelled as I bumped my head on the bed.

"Hi there Kitten why don't you come out" he said,Now I felt like a little kitten who is afraid of people,"Why is no one cooperating with me today" he said as he pulled me from under the bed. "Okay Kitten I have like 30 seconds so please tell me where Roman is" he said.

I scoffed and crossed my arms,"First of all you come to my house and ask for another woman and second I don't know I'm not her fucking babysitter" I said

Can you believe guys these days?

"Please Maya you have to know something" he said roughly grabbing my arm,I looked at his hand and then at him,"I know you didn't just fucking grab me" I said pulling my arm from his grasp.

"Did you just touch my girlfriend?" Leo asked standing in the doorway. He took a step back and glared at Leo,"I don't want any problems, I just need some answers" he said,Pussy ass and to think I liked him.

"It's a little to late for that and plus you hit me in the face" he said and started shooting,I screamed as the bullets went flying around the room and ducked on the floor and rolled under the bed.

I tried catching my breath,"I'm to fat for this shit" I mumbled,He gave me no warning like who does that,We will be having a serious conversation after this. I looked from under the bed and saw Snake in the bathroom and Leo dumbass just standing in the open shooting.

"Leo let's talk and discuss this like regular people!" Snake yelled over the bullets.

"I'm not normal so that wouldn't work very well" he said still shooting.

Damn are you gonna run out of bullets?

Don't you have to reload?

"Maya went on a date with me!" he yelled and the sound of bullets stopped,Man damn are you trying to get me killed too!? "What did you just say?" he asked,"Me and Maya have a little chemistry" he said,"You lying ass it was only one date and all I did was eat!" I yelled exposing my hiding spot.

"You have 10 seconds to get out of my house before I take my next shot and I won't miss" he said,"Fine just know I will be back" he said and I heard the door close,"Maya get out here right now" he said

"Um you're speaking to Maya's spirit,Maya can't come to the phone right now leave a message after the beep...beep" I said,"Maya we have things to discuss" he said,"Fine" I huffed out and crawled out from under the bed.

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder,"This isn't talking" I said as I felt myself get dizzy,"We're about to do a different version of talking" he said,I looked up and saw we were walking...up,I have no clue. "Where are we going?" I asked,

"To my second bedroom" he answered breifly before throwing open a door and I felt myself being thrown through the air before landing on a soft surface.

"You were with another man?" he asked as he laid down beside me,"Well to be honest yeah but he was boring and not very talkative. The only thing I liked about him is that he was cute...kinda" I said.

"Maya I don't want hear about "How cute he was" I want to know if you felt something towards him" he said mocking me,"Unfortunately not I only feel something for this asshole" I said pointing at him.

"Asshole?" he asked in disbelief,"Do you know how much of a pain in the ass you've been?" he said,"Excuse me I prefer the term annoying" I said letting out a very unlady like snort,We feel into a comfortable silence but I get bored easily so I decided to break it.

"Wanna fuck?" I asked looking up at him,"What?" he asked,I rolled my eyes,I see I have to say this in a language that only the male population will understand.

"Do you want to put your penis in my vagina?"

2 chapters left counting the Epilogue then this book is complete.

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