Chapter 26

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Roman Pov

"No!" I yelled as the bullet pierced my sisters flesh,She dropped to the ground,I grabbed her head before it touched the ground,I felt the hot tears stream down my face as her lifeless eyes stared at me,"Momma what the hell!?" Leonardo asked,"No one messes with this family and gets away with it" her voice said

"Roman..." Maya said quietly,"Get out" I whispered,"Roman I'm sorry" she said as Leonardo and his mother argued in the background.

"SHUT THE HELL UP AND GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE!" I yelled causing them to become silent,"Maya let's go" Leo said pulling her out the room,I looked up and saw Michael and their mother staring at me,"Didn't I say get out?" I asked

"Mom let's go" he said pulling her out and closing the door,I walked over to my Liquor cabinet and pulled out a bottle of scotch,"Sis I really fucked up this time didn't I" I said as I sat down in my chair and kicked my feet up on my desk

"I told mom and dad I was capable enough to take care of you but I was wrong" I said as I took a drink from the bottle,"You were suppose to finish collage and I was suppose to run the business" I said taking another sip.

"You know I wonder if you're  sitting with mom and dad and just watching talk about how I fucked up" I said as I saw my gun on the floor by her body,"Would you guys mind if I joined you in hell because I know that's where I whole family was sent,Well you probably went to heaven since you where the angel in the family" I said taking a big gulp

"I have an idea,what if I come and join you" I said getting up and picking up the gun. " I always wondered what it's like to have an bullet in the head" I said twirling the gun on my finger.

"You don't want to know" a familiar voice said,I looked up and saw the girl from the party,Sabrina...Janyiah or whatever her name is.

"What the hell do you want?" I asks throwing the bottle back,"I'm a friend of the Giovanni brothers and the clean up crew" she said and I stared at her blankly,"Oh and I'm a Assassin" she said

"Your very loud" I said,"I know but that has nothing to do with you,you need to get up and plan your sister's funeral" she said,"Can you get the hell out of my house before I shoot you" I said pointing my gun up at her,she rolled her eyes at me,like bitch what! "Your drunk" she said

I fired a bullet in the wall next to her head,"I missed on purpose" I said,"Okay fine I'll leave but you have to come with me" she said,"Bitch if you're planning on taking me to the Giovanni brothers then this next bullet is gonna be between your eyes" I said,"Your asked for it" she said and before I could comprehend what she was doing I fell into a pit of darkness.

Maya Pov

"Maya I missed you so much" Stella said as she pulled me into a hug,I froze,she murdered Angelica in cold blood. "What's wrong?" she asked,"Stella you killed a innocent person" I said,she frowned at me and looked at Leo questionably,"Leo did you not tell her about your father?" she asked

"That's for a different time" he said before going back to typing on his phone,He didn't change a bit while I was gone."We're here" Michael said,I stepped out of the car and was immediately tackled into a hug by a penguin,"You bitch I hate you so much,how could you just leave your pregnant bestfriend alone?" she exclamined punching me in the stomach.

"I missed you too" I said,"Maya we need to talk" Leo said interrupting our conversation. "Go ahead and talk" Kierra said winking with a smirking Michael and Stella who was making kissing faces. I followed him till we reached his bedroom. "Leo if you're gon-he smashed his lips against mine,we moved in perfect harmony and I felt him wrap his arms around my waist,he pulled away

"You've lost weight?" he asked,"Um yeah" I said,"But I have nothing to hold onto now" he said,"Just shut up and kiss me" I said and smashed my lips onto him,That night we made love for the first time together. You know how they day Italians have big *cough* sausages,They weren't lying.

Kierra Pov

"Kierra I didn't know Maya was a screamer" Michael said,"You better shut up or Maya will murder you" I said pinching him in the side,"Well you know since I brought her back don't you think I should get a reward?" he asked smirking placing kisses down my neck. "No you don't" I said pushing him away

"This is not fair how come Leo gets some tonight but I don't?" he whined,"Because Maya isn't 3 months pregnant" I said rubbing my belly,"I can't wait till she's here then we can give her a sibling" he said kissing me on the lips smirking. "Hold up,I'm not gonna push out another baby till another 8 years and what makes you think it's a girl" I said,"Believe me it's a girl" he said smugly.

"Michael it's probably a boy" I said,"Nope and once I prove you wrong...We will do the whole process again" he said wrapping his arms around me. "Fine and if I'm right then we wait 8 years" I said,"4" he said,"5" I respond pulling the covers over me. "3" he said,"Fine 3 years but I'm only agreeing to this because I'm tired" I said closing my eyes." I thought we were talking months" he said "Michael get the shit beat out of you" I said,"Night" he said as he turned the light of and wrapped his arms around me.


I bet you didn't expect Angelica to get shot and die and for Stella to be the one to shoot her,Also I didn't write the mature chapter because I have a "Huge" one planned for the end and also I'm very lazy so bye :)

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