Chapter 41 •You Gain A Sibling, You Lose Another•

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I just want to apologize again for not updating every Tuesday. Every single time I wanted to update on Tuesday, I worked. So I figured out a new way to squeeze in chapters. From now on I'm only going to update on days I don't work. And if a Tuesday is available for me I'll update then too. But anyways, I hope you enjoy this long waited chapter.

"You mean to tell me that.. we have another brother?" I ask, shutting off the truck. She nods slowly.

I place my hands on the steering wheel and let out a stressed sigh. "I know I should be happy I'm not the only one left and that I have more siblings, but I lost my siblings and it feels like I'm replacing them. I know it sounds stupid, but that's just how I feel." I say, glancing over to see her face.

She nods again, a small smile on her face. "I understand, it's a lot to take in, even for me." She says and I nod in agreement. "You don't have to meet him if you don't want to. You don't have to keep in touch with me if you don't want to." She says, I can hear sadness in her voice as she says that.

"I'm not going to just ignore you both. You are my family, even if we just met half an hour ago." I say, grabbing her hand. She beams up instantly and gives my hand a squeeze before letting go. "Where is he?" I ask.

"He was in the car with my mom." She says and my eyebrows rise in shock. He was there this whole time. I quickly turn on the truck and drive back to the house.

Once we make it back, I park in the twin's driveway. We get out and walk to the car. She goes to the back and opens the door. Next thing I know a tall-ish boy exits the car, the same side she's on. They both walk over to me. "If it's okay, I'd like to talk alone with him." I say, to which she nods and walks back to her car. We walk back up the driveway and get inside my truck. I reverse out and drive away.

I don't want to show him their Graves just yet, so I drive around. "So, which parent did you come from?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"Both." He simply says. Then silence fills the air again. "Talk about yourself." I say. He sigh before speaking.

"Well, I'm the first born, but I was taken away because they were unfit. Which I think is bullshit. They just didn't want me." He says, making my head snap at him for a second. What?

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"Like what makes you so special? They could've kept me but those pieces of shit didn't think so." He grumbles. Okay that was harsh and rude.

"Not to mention that mom was a slut, so maybe dad didn't want to keep me because I'm not his, who knows." He says casually. Okay he needs to watch himself.

"Okay you need to calm down." I say, anger rising up. He ignores me and continues to rant.

"Child services took me away because they were unfit. Bullshit." He grumbles, angry again.

"They kept feeding me all of these lies and saying stuff about my parents, of course I knew they were all lies, but it still angered me because they still tried to hide the truth." He says, waving his hands around a lot for gestures.

"I can't wait to see those deadbeats you call parents. Unfit parents my ass." He grumbles.... again!

All of these insults to my late parents are pissing me off. I gave him a few dirty looks the first time he insulted them. I have never wanted to murder someone so much until now. He just keeps ranting about them and he won't stop.

"Dad was also a man whore, so I'm probably not mom's kid, who knows."

"Those people anger me so much. Like how can you just give your kid away? God I've never hated two people so much before. When I see them, I'm going to give them a piece of my mind and hope they feel like the shitty parents that they are. UGH! I'm just so pissed!!" He yells at the end.

"I wish they killed themselves from the guilt." He says with hatred. That's enough for me to slam on the brakes.
His faces grows annoyed from my action.

"Okay! You need to listen here bitch! My parents were good damn parents who cared for us all and loved us unconditionally! For you to say all of those things about them just shows what kind of a bitch you are!"

"They fucking gave me away!"



"THEY ARE DEAD YOU FUCKING DISRESPECTFUL ASSHOLE! You have no right to bash them for a decision they didn't make!! You didn't even take the time to dig further on the situation!! You just assumed what first popped into your idiotic mind!!!"

"Calling mom a whore was a low blow if you knew her, I don't blame you for not having that experience. But if you had just taken the time to listen to the social worker, you would feel like you knew them. And don't you dare tell me they didn't let you visit them! They allow visits! And my parents would NEVER abandon their child, so they would've wanted to visit you! It was you who was too blind and fucking stupid to turn down the visits!!"

"And dad was a hell of a good father! Don't you ever use his name in a negative way again! When our little family was struggling, he would eat the littlest amount of food just so my mother and I could be fed more! He put us before himself and worked his ass off to makes sure we had what we needed and I'm thankful for that everyday."

"That still doesn't change how I feel!" He yells.

"Get out." I say. He looks at me.

"What?" He asks.

"Get the fuck out." I say again.

"Are you serious? I don't know these roads and streets." He says.

"I don't care. I don't care if you're my brother. I will not have some lowlife disrespect my late parents. Now get the fuck out!" I shout at the end, unlocking his door. He scoffs and exits the truck.

As as soon as he's out, I speed off back to my house. Hopefully I ran over his foot.

"Where's Will?" Kristen asks. Walking up the driveway.

"That asshole Will, will not be apart of my family if he is so keen on hating my parents. He's a disrespectful excuse of a human being and if you're going to stand by his side, then I want nothing to do with you." I spat out in hatred.

"He told me all of his thoughts on them, that's the reason I came here to find my dad. Because unlike Will who goes on his first thought, I actually wanted to know the truth because I believe no parent would be like that." She says. "So I guess it's only you and I." She adds.

"Good. And I have something to tell you after, you might be excited." I say, calming down.

"Okay, I'll just let my mom know that I'll be staying with you for the day." She says before running off to her mom.

This past hour has been hell. If Will ever comes back here, I will literally run him over with my truck. I may be overreacting, but those are my late parents he was disrespecting.

So many emotions are running through my body, but I have to decide how to tell Kristen she'll be an aunt. When I tell her, I pray she doesn't say a word to Will or any of her other family.


That's the chapter.

What are your thoughts on Will? Was he too harsh? Was Katherine too harsh? What to you think will happen in the future? Let me know what you think.

Until next time. Byeeee

P.s. ignore spelling errors.

Why Do You Love Me?    E.D~ G.DOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora