Chapter 26 •Unconscious•

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"Kat!" I shout in panic as I run to her limp body. I woke up when I heard her shout my name. What was she doing out here anyways? Now is not the time to scold her inside my head.

I gently, but hurriedly turn her body over. I check for a plus on her neck, it's strong. "Ethan, what happened?" Gray asks, also crouched down. He checked her wrists for and fresh wounds. We never know when she can relapse. 

"Kat, wake up." I say, gently shaking her awake. When she doesn't move I take out my phone to call 911. "911 what's your emergency?" The male voice asks over the phone.

"My, uh, my girlfriend is unconscious." I speak into the phone, not really knowing what to say.

"Sir, how did this happen? Is there any bleeding, any bruising?" He asks again.

"No, no bleeding, no bruising. Shes just laying in the middle of the hallway." I explain.

"Are you sure she isn't asleep?" He asks. What is this guy? Stupid? She would've woke up by now. "Yes I'm sure! I tried to shake her awake and she wouldn't budge!" My voice comes out irritated and loud with each word.

"Alright, I'm gonna need you to tell me what happened and stay clam." He says calm into the phone. Can't he just send the ambulance already?

"I was asleep and, uh, I heard her call my name and when I went to her, she was unconscious." I tell him. I hear murmurs in the background before the dude speaks again.

"Has she been eating lately?" He asks. My brows furrow in confusion. Of course she has, why wouldn't she.

"Of course she.." I stop when I remember her eating patterns. ".. she only ate once today. I didn't realise.. god I'm so stupid. Im-"

"Sir, what's the girls temperature?" He asks. I quickly check and I wonder how I haven't noticed this before.

"She's warm, very warm." I say. Fear mixed with worry makes its way into my who body. What if she doesn't wake up?

"Sir, I'm gonna need you to take her to your bathroom and run cold water. After you fill up your tub, I'm gonna need you to put her under for a few seconds." He says. This seems familiar. I feel like I know what he's talking about. Shaking away the thoughts, I refocus on the call.

"What! I'm not drowning my girlfriend!" I yell into the phone. I'm trying to get her conscious, not keep her like this.

"Sir, please do as we ask. We know what we're doing." He says. I grumble quietly but listen. "Now after she wakes up, she's going to be very cold. So you need to get a warm blanket or towel and get her warmth back. After that, feed her. Get food into her system." He instructs. I nod, saying a quick thank you before hanging up.

"Gray, go run cold water." I say as I gently pick up Katherine. He gives me a look but does so anyways.

I walk over to the washroom with Kat in my arms, careful not to drop her. I sit on the ledge of the tub, waiting for it to fill up. The time seems to go a hundred times slower when waiting.

After what seems like forever, the tub is full. I slowly place her in the freezing water. This dude better be right. Once her whole body is in, I push down. I hesitate when her head is almost under, but it's for her own good so I push it under completely.

I glance at Grayson, seeing worry in his eyes. My eyes return back to Kat after a few seconds pass by. "Come on Kat." I mumble, watching as tiny bubbles slowly leave her nose.

Her eyes snap open as she shoots up from the water, water spilling out of her mouth. She clutches my shirt, tightly holding on. "Oh thank god." I mumble, bringing her to my chest. She coughs for a few minutes.

Her breath is heavy before she slightly calms down. "Why am I in the tub, in freezing cold water." She whispers. I don't say anything, but kiss her cold wet hair. "You scared us." I tell her. "Come on." I sat as u help her out of the tub. She immediately brings her arms up to her sides. Gray wraps a towel around her, to somehow get the coldness off.

I bring her to the couch, not caring if it gets wet. Once she's seated, I run to grab her our blanket. I run back and wrap her with the blanket. "I'll make you some coffee." Grayson says.

"What happened?" She asks again. This time I don't bother avoiding the question.

"You fainted. But this one, you wouldn't wake up. I tried shaking you, but you wouldn't budge. I called 911 and they helped me wake you up." I say, rubbing her covered arms.

"So thats why I'm so cold. What else?" She asks. I don't think she knows that she was underwater longer than we hoped.

"Well, I had to put you under the water for a few seconds, so the coldness of the water will wake you up."

"So you almost drowned me?" She jokes, chuckling slightly.

"You didn't wake up as quick as we thought. You were under for a minute." I tell her, remembering the horrible thoughts that entered my mind. She nods her head before leaning into me.

"Thank you for not drowning me." She smiles. I shake my head, giving her a little peck on her forehead.

After a while, Grayson comes back with her coffee. "Do you know what I just realized?" She says suddenly. We stay silent for her to continue. "The whole ice cold bath to wake me up from whatever happened to me, it's from my favourite show." She says happily.

I groan when I get what she's taking about. "Oh don't tell me we remade a scene from supernatural."

"Oh but we did." She says.

"It's your fault for not eating." I say. She glances down for a brief second. "I know, I'm sorry." She says.

"It's fine. But you scared me. You need to eat more. Be healthy." I say.

"I know I will." She says. "I love you."

"I love you too." I reply back.

"And I love you too." Grayson says going to Kats other side and giving her a hug. I laugh as we all share one big hug. Tonight was one scary night.


Hey bups, how did you like tonight's chapter? I know it's similar to the supernatural scene, but since I love spn so much.

Ignore all spelling errors. I will fix those later.



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