forty one : sex & regrets

Start from the beginning

I was not the guy from the movie Jumper nor was I Hermione Granger so yes, there was no way I could zap and transport myself to my room. Maybe I had known him for too long, being with him for too long. That was probably the reason why I could feel him before my eyes caught him walking into the room.

"Luke!" He called out to his friend without looking at me or sparing me one glance. "I need to talk to you."

"Hey, man!" Luke seemed to be surprised and happy that Ty went looking for him. "It's been a long time." He walked towards him and they bro-hugged. "What's up? I was just talking to Autumn about how you guys have been doing in New York." He looked over his shoulder at me and smiled while Ty's eyes were everywhere else but me.

We had ended things badly yet if anything, I should be the one being mad at him. After all, he had been the one who cheated and then left without explanation. Before the whole thing with Phraser started, he had been lying to me about meeting his ex. It was all on him.

Tyler gave a brief nod. Again, to Luke and not me. "Let's go."

"Wait, where are we going?" Luke stared at him then slid his eyes on me before they went back to Tyler, sensing that something was amiss. When Tyler started walking, Luke turned to me and said, "Autumn, are you coming?"

Ty abruptly stopped and glared at Luke. "She's not."

"Guys," Luke put both of his hands up. "What the hell is going on?"

None of us spoke and Tyler was simply staring at the spot between his feet. I hated how awkward the situation was and a part of me felt bad for Luke who accidentally got himself caught in the middle of this so I took a deep breath and tried to be a bigger person. "Ty left me." I watched Ty flinch for a split second before turning back into a statue. "Well, we did break up." I took a few steps towards him until he was within arms' length. "But it does not mean we can't be friends, right?" I desperately tried to look at him, hoping he would turn his face a little or glance up and look me in the eye.

One more minute of silence before he finally tilted his head and turned. His eyes were icy and his stare was cold and distant. "We weren't friends before we started dating. Let's get back to that."

"Dude." Even Luke, who evidently the playboy in their group, did not agree with this.

I put one hand on his shoulder. "Ty, don't be difficult."

His eyes left mine to stare at my hand for two seconds before he shrugged his shoulder and took a step back. My hand dropped to the side of my body but I knew my heart was on the floor. "I don't want to be your friend. Stop wasting your time to convince me otherwise."

"Tyler. What happened to you? Why are you doing this?" My voice sounded desperate but I did not care. I knew I was hurt but I wanted him to understand that just because we ended things, did not mean that we had to hate each other or pretend the other one did not exist. We had lots of common friends, we were doomed to meet each other often and it would be hell for our friends to be in the position Luke was in right now. Moreover, as much as I hated to admit this, I still loved him. And I wanted him in my life even as a friend.

"Autumn." Tyler shook his head and gave out a mocking laugh that pierced my heart. "Don't get desperate. Why don't you go and play with one of your boy toys? Maybe Joe or Ashton? I am sure they're in town this time of the year." He snapped his finger and smiled. "Or maybe even that Phraser guy that you dragged here to replace me."

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