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I swear this band stresses me out more than anything else ever. More than family, friends, relationships. Anything.

How can Rye think that he is in love with mikey?!

Rye has always been a personal favourite. The fans love him best, he is what gets me money and keeps this band together. He's ruined that by these stupid thoughts he'll get over in a couple weeks.

I always knew there was something odd about mikey. I guess this was it. Doesn't surprise me he turned out a homosexual. I'm annoyed he's trying to turn Rye, my star, the only person in this band that'll go far, into one too and worst of all it's working.

I left the venue and went out to the bar to drink until the early hours in the morning. I ended up only being able to finish 2 and left before it was even 3am. I went for a walk and went round a friends for a bit trying to figure out what I'll do.

I see the clock hit 7 and I make my way into the car to bring myself home to the boys and talk this out.

I want mikey gone. We can find a replacement and get rye back on track with his music.

I unlock the door to the flat and it's dead silent. No tv, no laughter, nothing. I slowly make my way into the house and see their door shut. I roll my eyes and storm towards it and when I open it. Everything is gone. It's like the whole room has been packaged up and sent off somewhere else.

There's a piece of paper on the floor. I can tell straight away that Andy has written it.

"Dear blair.

Thank you for the nice memories you've made with us. You brought us together as a band. You helped us get into a new family, friendships and of course, relationships.

There were good times,
Like when you bought us all ice cream and proceeded to drop them all to the floor because you insisted you could carry them alone.
But there were bad times,
Like when you threatened and beat up our band mate. Someone who was in 'your' band,Your colleague. Your friend.

Rye and Mikey are happy together. There's things you know but there's a whole life you don't and you won't know. Ever.

As you can see we've packed up. Taken everything that was ours and left. We're not coming back. We've swapped management and moved into our own apartment. I'm sorry but we can't work with someone who only likes half the band.

Thank you for the good times,
But a massive fuck you for the bad ones.

Yours sincerely,
Roadtrip x"

I viciously tear the letter in half and scream as I throw the chair in front of me to the corner of the room where the wall dents in.
I don't care though, I have bigger things on my mind.

Who's going to make me my money now?

"Did he find out?" Mikey and Rye // ROADTRIPTV Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu