La La Land

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Mikeys pov.

I open my eyes to see blair running around our room in his boxers.

Rye sits up.
"Shit" He whispers.

Blair looks at my bed and then ryes.

"Mikey. Why are you up there?"


"Ssshhh I'm sleeping" jack says and throws a pillow at blair.

We all laugh and blair walks out laughing too.

I turn to rye and he just raises his eyebrows.

"Come on guys let's get up"
Andy says and jumps out of bed and grabs my hand.

"Come on mike"
He starts pulling me off the bed and tickling me so I burst out laughing and he lifts me up over his shoulder and brings me over and throws me on the couch and keeps tickling me and I start crying with laughter.

He stops because he was laughing too much and sits down beside me and puts his arm around me.

"My boy Mikey"

I rub my eyes to take the tears away while still giggling.
I look up at rye and he looks so unimpressed with me.

What did I do?

"Boys go get dressed" blair says and me and Andy stand up and go gets clothes. Rye is out of bed and changing and brook too but jack is just dead asleep still.

"Brook wake him"
Rye says.

Brook lies on him and first jack wraps his arms around him so brooks head is on his shoulder.

"JACK WAKE UP" he jumps and pushes Brook and he falls off the bed.

"Get help" He says and stand up and walks out to the bathroom.
We all die with laughter once again. I don't think I've ever laughed this much.

We all are dressed and finishing our packing and blair comes in.
"Right let's go!"

We get in a taxi van and are on our way to the airport.  Once we get there blair goes to print off our tickets and brook and jack go with him.

Rye put his arm around me and we walked through the airport and Andy stood next to us.

"I feel so left out" he says while smiling so I knew it was a joke.

We talk about how fun it's gonna be to finally be back in la and then the other guys come back with our tickets.

"Let's go"
We all follow blair to our flight and put or bags through and get ready to board.

"We have four and two separate seats so pick where ye are sitting" blair announces and straight away rye responds.

"I'll take the two and sit with mi"

"Okay" blair hands Rye our tickets and then gives Andy, Jack and Brook theirs.

We walk in and try find our seats and quickly realised we are on the opposite side of the plane.

"Awe we'll see you in like 12 hours" Andy says and quickly hugs us both.

"See ya" Rye says and walks away.

"See you soon"
I smile and say bye to the rest of them and walk to rye who's putting his hand luggage away. I put my bag up too and sit beside him.

"What are we supposed to do for 12 hours?"

"Sleep. Talk. Maybe a few kisses in between that"
Rye responds and I laugh and tell him to be quiet.

It's so strange to think we are dating. I still feel like if I reach for his hand or he kisses me on the cheek that I'm restricted because we aren't in a relationship but now we are?? It literally happened in the space of five minutes. I'm happy that we are together but already feel a bit awkward when we are around the other boys because I want to be able to hold his hand or have his arm around my waist but I don't Want comments. Blair doesn't even know I'm gay forget the fact that not only am I gay im also dating someone who's in the band and that means someone else in the band isn't straight and that could cause problems. Might even cost me my job, my place in the band and I just don't know what I want more. Comfort, support and being able to kiss and hug Rye whenever. Or my job. Keeping all the secrets but breaking up with Rye and trying to still keep a healthy relationship as friends.
I mean obviously I know what I want, not the last one but telling people I'm in a relationship with someone I work with seems dangerous.
Yea Andy knows I like him/love him whatever he knows but we kept secret that we are now a couple. I know Andy would be so supportive and honestly, the other boys would probably love that too but it's blair and our supporters that will care. Ugh I don't know but for right now I'm gonna hold onto Rye for as long as I can. I'm not gonna wait for something bad to happen and waist my time and happiness. Might as well go all in for this since I do love him more than any other person I've met. I care about him more than I care about myself and I want to always be there for him. So I'll do my best to be a good boyfriend.

I look over at rye after finishing with my thoughts and he's just looking around him.
Then he looks back at me.

"You good?"

"Yeah I'm perfect"

He wraps his hand around me and we take off.

We sit and watch two movies and talk about them and then fall asleep.

When we wake up. We arrive in LA.

"Did he find out?" Mikey and Rye // ROADTRIPTV Where stories live. Discover now