Can i take your order?

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Mikeys pov

We walk into the restaurant and the waitress takes us to our table. I sit beside rye. Mary and Julie sit across from us and we look through the menu while we talk about random things.
I look at my phone and see it's 10:00pm.

"Can I take your order?" A man with dark brown hair asks and smiles.

I look at Rye and point to what I want. I was not going to order it myself I will probably start crying. He just smiles at me.

"I'll have the lasagna and he'll have the vegetarian chicken and vegetables with 2 waters please"

"Perfect. And for you ladies?"

"I'll have the pasta and a water please" Julie says.

"And I'll have the chicken curry with water too and can we have a bottle of white wine please?"

"Perfect and of course"
He says and walks off.

"You're a vegetarian?" Mary asks and I sit up a bit to look more fancy when I realise everyone around us are dressed up and sipping wine while laughing.

"Yea. I have been for a couple months only but I love it! Finding good food was hard at the start but I'm well used to it now!"

"Does it bother you when others eat meat around you?"

"No actually! As long as people respect I don't eat it then all's good!"

Our food comes over and they put our plates down in front of us and we start eating.
Then the wine comes and we each get poured a glass.

"So tell us about your band, boys" Julie says and I look straight to rye to talk about it.

"Well. It's Mikey and I with our friends Andy, Brook and Jack. Our manager is Blair dreelan. We have our own songs and we've gone on tours and our next one starts the day after tomorrow and we're really excited!"

"That's amazing boys!! We must get our tickets!"

"Well actually. We can give you tickets for our London show if you'd like to come?" I suggest and both of them smile brightly back at me.

"aw Mikey we would love that so much!"

"Perfect! I'll sort it out tomorrow and give you the tickets next time I see you!"

"That's so sweet of you. Thank you boys"

Honestly I'm really happy I suggested that and rye looks happy too and the girls are delighted!
I just have to remind them not to talk about us to the people at the show.

We sit and eat our food while talking more about the band and learning more about them too while also drinking our wine. Each already on 3 glasses and I'm feeling tipsy as is rye and Mary, Julie is fine from what I can tell.

"That was so good" Rye says as he sits back and throws his arm around my shoulder.

"It was beautiful!" Mary says and Julie nods in agreement and I just smile at them all.

I can't believe I'm at a dinner right now with my boyfriend and my friend and her girlfriend. This is amazing.

The waitress comes over and takes our plates and asks if we'd like dessert so of course we each take a menu.

"Definitely getting ice cream" I whisper yet everyone heard and laughs at me.
I look up and smile, my face turns red and ryes grip tightens as he giggles.

"Youre like a child. I love it"
He says as he laughs and smiles at me and I swear my heart is gonna burst.

She comes over to take our orders.

"Did he find out?" Mikey and Rye // ROADTRIPTV Where stories live. Discover now