We're close

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Mikeys pov

after a long day we had eventually fallen asleep. I gave brook my bed and I slept with Rye.

When I woke up everyone else was still asleep. I was wrapped up in ryes arms and I slowly pulled away and got out of bed. I stand in the middle of the room in one of ryes oversized hoodies and smile to myself.
Everything is getting better.

Through all of this I hadn't had time to properly think about my own mental health and honestly now that I stand here I think about it and my anxiety, is bad but it always has been. My depression, is here but definitely faded a lot. I feel happier knowing that everyone (mostly everyone) knows I'm gay and that I'm dating rye and are really nice about it.
Depersonalisation is gone. Thank god.
I reach for my phone and see I've got a message from Julie.

"Yes I'd love to meet up with you! What about 11am  tomorrow morning? -Julie"

She sent this last night. I look at the time and it's 9.

"Yes that's perfect. I'll meet you in franks coffee shop then. See you :) -Mikey"

I have 2 hours. I turn around and see rye moving around in bed. If he notices I'm gone he might wake up oops.

I have an hour and a half before I have to leave so I might as well get ready to go to the shop.

I look around the room and everyone is sleeping so I might as well just get changed in here.

I grab my black jeans and I get a wine jumper and put that on and put on my light brown coat over that and then put on my brown boots.

I'm buttoning up my coat when I hear rye.

"Why are you awake and why do you look like a model. I mean you always look like a model but ... you know" he says as his hand gestures to my clothes.

"Wow. Thanks rye. I'm going to the shop and then meeting a friend"

"Nice. Can I come to the shop with you? I'll bring the food home after and you can go straight into town to meet them?"

"Yea id like that" I smile at him and walk into the bathroom.
He giggles quietly and slowly gets out of bed too.
I come back with my hair done and ready to go and rye puts a hat on, hoodie and black ripped jeans and smiles at me and kisses my cheek as he passes me to brush his teeth. I look around the room and everyone is still sleeping. I grab my wallet, phone along with ryes and he comes out of the bathroom and we leave.

"Hey at least we don't have to whisper now. How was your sleep?" He asks as we walk down the steps ready to leave.

"It was good after everything. Yours?"

"It was fine"
I just nodded as he said it and he went to grab my hand and I flinched.

He look at me confused.

We stopped walking for a second.

"Yes I want to hold your hand but I'm still scared because of blair. He doesn't want anyone else to know"

"Mikey no one here is gonna know who we are its okay. Trust me"

He puts his hand out again and I look down at it.

It's either be happy holding my boyfriends hand with some anxiety about it But still happy! Or it's be upset that I have to stand so far away from him and he can't touch me.
With that thought I pick up his hand and he smiles so wide as we continue walking.

We make small talk all our way to Asda and once there we drop hands.

"I understand now. Since there's more people and we are always seen here. I just wanna be near you" Rye says as he takes a shopping cart out of the area and I stand back waiting.
I just smile and he comes over and quickly looks around to see no body is here as we are around the back of the store really and he lets go of the trolley and kisses me and puts his arm around my waist. Once he pulls away he whispers in my ear.
"Now we're close again"
I just want to stand there in his arms all day but he walks back over to the trolley and I open my eyes and follow him as we walk into Asda.

We're walking through the isles, dumping fruit and vegetables into the trolley and rye speaks.

"Do you remember the last time we came here?"

I smile as I think back.
"Yeah. You asked me to go for lunch and I said yes. You said you felt like my boyfriend as we left the coffee shop that you bought our meal and then you held my hand and kissed my cheek to make a little girl happy. Through all of that.." we stop walking and we look at each other. "Through all of that my one wish was that it was real"

We stand in silence as we just look at one another. I went right back to when I first realised I liked him more than my best friend.
We were walking through a park and he made a dumb joke about a squirrel and I laughed so hard and he told me I had a cute laugh and then turned bright red and fell over a branch that he didn't see coming up making me laugh harder and i put my hand out to help him up but when he grabbed on he pulled me down with him and we laughed until we cried sitting in the middle of the pathway. What ever happened it clicked that I was falling for him and I never looked at him the same after that.

He says and I readjust Into 'now' time.

"I asked you to go hoping that I'd tell you that day but when I was actually with you I thought about it so much that I couldn't do it. I couldn't get the words out"

I smile and I step a bit closer as does he and just at that moment a teenage girl rounds the corner and speaks.

"Hey! Woah I can't believe it's ye!"

And I drop the cereal box in my hand.
I bend down to pick it up and throw it in the basket as she hugs rye and then she hugs me.

"Hey it's so cool to meet you how are you doing?" Rye smiles and I copy him and we have a conversation with her and take pictures until she goes to leave.

"It was so nice to meet you! I'm so sorry to have interrupted your morning. I hope you have an amazing day. Love you" she says as she waves and walks off back to her mum who we can see is at the checkout.

I look at Rye and he smiles.

"I wanted to tell you that day"
He grabs bread off the shelf and puts it in the cart and looks back at me.

"But I was scared"

"Did he find out?" Mikey and Rye // ROADTRIPTV Where stories live. Discover now