Get it over with

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Mikeys pov

I wake up to andy shaking me.

"Mikey, Rye! wake up, we have final rehearsals today"
I sit up and look around. Everyone is up but us. I turn and shake rye and he just groans.
I quickly kiss his cheek and his eyes open and he smiles at me.

"I'm up"
I laugh and throw my legs over the bed and he sits up and wraps his arms around me and brook smiles at us and towards jack who then leaves the room.

"We have 10 minutes it's 11" jack says while walking into the kitchen and I move forcing rye to get up too.

I reach for my clothes and go to the bathroom and when I come back everyone's ready and we start walking to the studio.

We get in and all sit around and we walk through everything we need to do and it's already 4pm.

"Right break time. We have 2 hours and then we have to keep working for the night"
Blair says and rye rolls his eyes and put his arm around my shoulder as we lean against the mirrors.

"What else do we need to plan? We know the words, orders and harmonies? Can't we be done" he says and blair stares at him. I can physically feel the fire burning in him.

"You say that now but you'll be the one angry about messing up your words tomorrow. you need to forget about your stupid relationship and get a hold of the important stuff" he ends the sentence as he walks outside with his head in his hands.

I look at Rye who looks the angriest I've seen ever. And I put my hand on his thigh and look at andy who looks shocked.

"That man needs to know he doesn't own us. Fuck this if he treats us like that" he stands up and I jump up.
Andy grabs his arm and rye smacks him off and charges towards the door and brook locks it and takes the key and blair turns around hearing the commotion.

"What you yelling about?" Blair says through the glass on the door and rye starts screaming at him.

"Who are you to talk about our relationship. Stay the fuck out of our business" he says and blair yells back almost instantly.

"I'm the one letting you keep the relationship. I could break you up in a second. You're just pretending to love him because you're bored and crave attention. Come on rye it's obvious"

I close my eyes and walk to the other side of the room.
Why did we do this. We're making too much drama with us. I shouldn't have kissed back or if I did we just left it at that. I'm the stupid one I shouldn't have reacted. Does rye only want someone just to make himself feel better? My brain is so confused.
I put my head in my hands and arms wrap around me as I hear distant screaming between rye and blair with andy trying to calm it down.

I open my eyes realising I'm sitting in the corner of the room crying and brooks holding me so tight whispering to me.

"Mikey dont listen please. Sshhh its okay. Everything is fine. It will be sorted"

This is way to much.
I force my breathing to calm and I hug brook back and sit with my head pushed in his chest and jack rubs my back.

I hear the handle start jiggling and the three of us look to the door and ryes kicking and punching the door.

"Unlock the fucking door" he screams and blair yells back

"I don't have the key"

"Rye calm down please" andy says and rye goes quiet for a second but the handle is still shaking.

Then it stops.
I open my eyes again and look back.

He slides down the wall beside the door and covers his face with his arms shaking.
"Andy in the nicest way. Please fuck off" he raises his hands and looks out the door and blair walks away.

He comes over and hits brooks thigh and brook passes him the key very sneakily and rye stands up.

Andy stuffs it in his front pocket and turns towards him.

"You feeling better mate?"

He nods and walks towards him and andy stands and steps out a bit and rye wraps his arms around him.

"It'll be fine" andy says and rye nods. One hand drops and in the space of two seconds he stuffs his hand in andys pocket, grabs the key and runs to the door.

"RYE STOP" brook jumps away from me and him and jack run towards rye but he unlocks the door and he's gone.

I stand up and walk to the door.
Everything seems to be in slow motion.
jack and brook leaping up and away from me towards the door. Andy chasing him instantly.

I really did cause all of this.

I walk to the door and turn my head and it feels like a movie. My vision takes a second to focus and then I see rye throw a punch straight at blair knocking him back slightly because of him being stronger than rye. He hits back and a full fist fight breaks out.

Andy runs forward and pulls ryes arms back. brook and jack pulling blair back and I stand and watch.

My heart genuinely feels like it's shattering and my life is falling apart in front of me.

"Did he find out?" Mikey and Rye // ROADTRIPTV Where stories live. Discover now