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Mikeys pov
We sit in the car and I get a message.

"Hello hun. It's me. We met on the road when you were upset. I thought I'd reach out and see how you are doing. Did you tell your best friend you like him? What happened? Hope you're okay - Julie"

Her names Julie! Wow I completely forgot about her. Not in a bad way just couldn't think. I could do with having a talk with her!

I quickly respond.
"Julie! It's nice to actually know your name now properly! My names Mikey by the way and yes I told him how I felt right after he kissed me and now We are dating which is INSANE! I have a lot of stuff to tell you as well as some questions I'm hoping you can help me with. Do you think we could meet up? Thanks Julie!"

I send the message and look up to see rye just looking at me. Not at my phone. Just me and he's just straight faced.

I giggle and my face starts turning red.

"Nothing. You're just beautiful" and he just smiles and wraps his arm around me and Andy starts taking photos of us and rye kisses my nose and Andy just keeps clicking and I'm laughing like mad.

We calm down and relax and arrive at the flat. We pay and jump out.

"How do we do this?" Rye says as he looks at andy and swings his arm around me and crosses his feet and we stand outside the flats door.

"I guess we go in and just talk. I'm gonna go before you and just keep as close as you can to the door. Just in case. Saying that don't worry I won't let anything happen" andy says and we start walking up.
Rye moves his arm down around my waist and holds my hand.

We get to the apartment door and rye puts his other hand out to open the door and it opens and I gasp.

It's jack.

He drops the rubbish bag and hugs the both of us.

"Where is he?" Andy asks and jack points to his bedroom door which is closed.

He walks in and throws his bag on the floor and knocks.

"Brook I told you already -"
He opens the door and stares at him and then behind to us.

He walks out and leans against the wall and crosses his arms.

"Why are you back?"
He says as he looks at us.

"Blair. We need to talk about this. Seriously" Andy says and puts his hand up as blair stands away from the wall.

"Come in then. I won't bite" he rolls his eyes and we step in. We walk into the bedroom and from old habits I look at my bed tempted to go over but I stand in the doorway and blair sits on the couch. Brook and Jack walk into the kitchen and close the door. Andy sits on jacks bed and looks at us and we walk over and sit on my bed and I notice rye and I's hands aren't linked anymore. Because we are scared. I'm so done with being scared.

"Right. What happened to you? Why are you all  of a sudden in a relationship?" He looks at us and for once I spoke up.

"Cause I love him" I take his hand and he smiles at me.

"And I love him" he responds

"Well if you love your careers you'll drop hands instantly and move away from each other right now"
We look up at him, shocked that any one could talk to someone like that.

"NOW" he stands up and Andy jumps up in front of him.

"Seriously you need to calm down Blair the love each other fucking get over it they make you money isn't that what you care about?!"

We both stand up and push back as Andy pushes blair back.
He puts more force against Andy and he starts yelling while blair walks around the room getting angrier.

"JACK, BROOK HELP" they burst through he door.

Brook sits blair back down and jack runs over to us.

"Should I get them out?" He asks Andy.

"No we sort this now!" Andy says putting his head in his hands one more time.

Blair sits and brook stands beside him, jack and Andy by us.

"Let's talk" blair whispers and andys head shoots up.

"Yes Okay sit down"
brook stays standing beside blair and jack stands opposite them just watching.

"If I keep you in the band. You promise me you'll keep this... a secret"

Rye and I look at each other and without talking mutually we nod our heads.

"As long as we can be together when we are in the apartment and around ye"
Rye says as he puts his arm around my waist again and blair roles his eyes and stands and looks out the window.

"How didn't I know you were gay?"
He practically whispers and you can physically seeing all of us hold our tongues.

"Just keep it... normal... around fans, in videos, on stage and around me"
He says and walks out the front door.

We all take a deep breath.

"Look. We will fully break him soon don't worry. Tour does start in 3 days and even though you can't be yourselves around our viewers you can around us. We are all here for ye" andy says.

"Yes completely. We will get him to fully understand soon" jack says.

"100% we love you" brook says.

We all hug and when we pull away Rye smiles at me and pulls me in for a hug.
"We made progress" he whispers in my ear.

I pull away slightly and he goes to kiss me but awkwardly puts his head down and looks around as do I.

"Go on" jack laughs and the others nod and rye looks back at me and kisses me.

And they cheered.

They support us.

"Did he find out?" Mikey and Rye // ROADTRIPTV Where stories live. Discover now