I'm confused

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Mikeys pov.

"Wake up mike it's time to get ready"

I sit up in bed to see Rye on the opposite side of the room in his clothes and packing up everything he's taking back to the flat. I throw my legs out of the bed and stretch while he tells me the plan.

"We leave in an hour. I let you sleep in so you'd be good when we get home"


"It's 11am. We will get back around 2 and we have gym at 3 so we go straight to the gym as the guys will bring our gym bags to the changing room so we can go into them for an house once we get there. So we will get food downstairs once you're up and dressed and then Head off"

He smiles and leaves to brush his teeth so I get up to change. I put black jeans on and a striped top and he comes back in.

"You look great" I look over and he's just standing in the door way looking at me.

I just look down and laugh
"I still have to do my hair"

I start throwing my clothes into my bag and make his bed as he cleans around the room all In comfortable silence.

"Okay let's go eat"

We walk downstairs and ryes family are all awake and walking around.

"Hi boys! Do you want some breakfast?"
Ryes mum asks and he nods and she goes to make us food before I could say anything.

We sit down on the couch and at first rye keeps his distance but then sits right beside me and puts his arm around my shoulder. His mum comes in and puts a plate of waffles down on the table and sits across from us as we put the plate on both of our knees so we can reach it. My head is leaning on his shoulders and I am surprised he hasn't moved me yet considering his mom was sitting across from us and asking us questions about how we are and what we are doing. Then his dad comes in and sits beside her too and it's the four of us having a strong conversation still so close.

"What's the best part of the band?"
His dad asks.

"I think getting to tour and seeing, meeting the people who we always see online" I look up at rye to see what he will say.

"That's amazing yeah. I think getting to see and live with my best friends is incredible and experiencing this with them"
He looks down at me and smiles and hugs me tighter.

"Awe that's so sweet boys"
His mum says and his dad agrees.

We talk for a while more and rye pretends to show me something on his phone but it's opened on his notes and I read what it says.

'Do you want to come out to them?'

"What do you think of this tweet?"
He laughs and looks at me to get me to answer.

If I say yes and it ends horribly what happens?
Will he stop talking to me?
But also I would feel so much more comfortable?

"Yea its a good tweet"
He looks and smiles at me.

He whispers "okay don't worry"  in my ear before getting his parents attention once again as they were talking about the weather.

"Mum, dad. Mi has some exciting news"

He looks at me and nods for me to start talking. His grip around me tightens which definitely helps.

"What is it Mikey hun?"
His mom and dad are looking at me and I'm back in the situation where I could say anything and they'd listen.

"Did he find out?" Mikey and Rye // ROADTRIPTV Where stories live. Discover now