"I like that idea." Fred said looking at me and smiling. I saw George smirk.

"Me too." George agreed. Than all of a sudden everyone stopped.

"Enemies of the heir, beware!
You'll be next, Mudbloods!" I heard Draco yell. I than instantly pushed my way to the front.

"Oh, god." I muttered, as I paled.

The Chamber of Secrets has been opened... enemies of heir beware.

I was frozen in place. Their was drama going on and than people began to leave but I was frozen in place.

"Athens." Professer Dumbledore said, getting my attention.

"Professer." I said still shaken up.

"Are you okay? I have been trying to get your attention for two minutes." He told me.

"I- i don't know." I stuttered.

"Athens, did you do this?" He asked me.

"Professer, why would have Athens done this?" Harry asked.

"I didn't do it, I swear on my grave." I told him. "He thinks I did it because of who I am related to Harry. I am a direct descendent to Salazar Slytherin and my father, I am ashasmed of this but, my father is Lord Voldemort."

"What?!" Ron said in surprise.

"Fred and George know. If you knew how ashamed I am to have to call him my father, you would understand." I explained. "All I have been trying to do is make up for my father's mistakes, I hate him more than I hate myself for being his child." Tears wetted my face.

"Do you know anything about the Chamber of Secrets?" Professer McGonagall asked me.

"Yes. I know what is in it and where it is." I told them. "It's a Balisk. The last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened, it was my father. I don't know the exact location of the Chamber but I know it's in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom."

"Why are you so willingly able to betray, your father, your family?" Professer Snape asked.

"Just becuase him and I are blood doesn't mean we are family. Family is someone who actually cares about your well being and loves you for who you are." I glared at Snape. "Hogwarts is my home amd I would never do anything to hurt it."

"Do you know anything else?" Dumbledore asked.

"There is a notebook, my father's diary." I said than looking directly into Professer Dumbledore's eyes. "He diary is a Horcrux. I've only ever had a glimpse of it. It has black binding. I'm sorry that's all I know."

"Okay, now off to bed the four of you. You have classes in the morning." Professer McGonagall told us.

"Yes, Professer." I shakily said slowly walking towards the dungeons. Than I overheard something.

"Keep a closer eye on her. She maybe telling the truth but we don't know that, her father was an expert liar. Framing Hagrid for it the first time it happened." Dumbledore told the other teachers, after that I just walked to the common room. When I went in I was met by Draco. I had broken his nose. I chuckled when I saw it.

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