30- HOT TUB???

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After we went shopping all morning, which was pretty exciting, we decided to have lunch in this little restaurant hopping that no one was gonna notice us and that’s a lot of hope since our group contains a Swedish guy that shouts instead of talking, a girl that repeats Bro a lot (really a lot), a guy that wears a mask and me, the person that at sigh seems the normal but within is the worst of all.  We entered it and t was actually very cozy I might add. Somehow we managed to have lunch without being noticed, don't ask me how because I have no freaking clue. 

In the afternoon, Marzia dragged me to a place and I have no idea where this girl is taking me. We went to drop the guys home and after that she insisted in blind folding me, talk about creepy... And now we're in the car for over 20 minutes d I'm seriously starting to freaking out. I've asked her where we're going but she didn't answer me at all. I'm starting to think that this girl just abandoned me in the car with some weird guys and now I'm being kidnapped. *realization hit me* 

Me- HELP! I'M BEING KIDNAPPED!!!- I screamed at the top of my lungs

Male voice- Shhh! Don't scream...- Oh gosh it's true. I'm so dead she handed me to some gang and within three days I'll end up in a ditch dismembered without anyone being capable of recognizing me. What did I do to deserve this?!I was so happy and joyful in the morning, the day started so well and now I'm heading to my doom. I should probably start begging for my life, yeah, that's it, maybe with some puppy eyes they will have mercy on me and then they'll release me and I'll never talk about it again, no one needs to know so they won't kill me. But, I'm blindfolded, they won't see my puppy eyes, it won't work. Maybe they can't sense it in my voice, well there's only one way to find out...

Me- Please, please, please don't kill me! Spare my life, I didn’t do anything wrong, I'm just a innocent girl that didn't do wherever you think I did, I swear it wasn't me! I’m so young, please don't dismember ....- My pleading was cut off by the deep voice.

Male voice- Kill you? Gosh, you just over exaggerated the whole situation.- Wait! What? So, I'm not going to end on the non identified side of the morgue?! Wow and I think I know this voice! No, it can't be... Or can?! It's a little different but it has a lot of similarities, the huskiness and the sexiness in it. Got yah!

Me- RYAN. - I stated a bit confused.

Cry- How did you know?!- He asked with disappointment, I got to admit this was all well prepared but not enough for me. He almost got me at some point, well, maybe, the whole point but he doesn't need to know that. He loosened my blindfold and that's when I realized that we weren't moving anymore. We were parked in front of a store?! I searched for more detail when I saw a sign that said “Harrison’s SPA ". Hold on, a SPA? Why is he taking me to a spa, isn't that suppose to be a thing that girls do together like in the movies or something, I don't know, like you probably have realized by now I'm not a girly girl so in reality I never went to one.

Me- You're not that good of an actor. - I shrugged my shoulders playfully. He replied to my answer to him with a peck and pulling me out of the car.

Cry- Whatever! You were fearing for your life back there.

Me- No I wasn't, I was just doing my role so that you didn’t feel like you were failing. - We went silent for a bit and just before we entered the building he spoke.

Cry- Really?- he gave me a challenging look raising one brow, he knows me so well and remember that I'm the best liar of all, in contrary.

Me-…No… How did you know?

Cry- I just did. And for your knowledge you kinda bite your cheek when you lie.- He said almost too low to even I hear it.

Me- Do I? - He nodded in response. I just got busted.

An unexpected love (Pewdiepie x Cutiepie x Cryaotic  x Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now