23- My Best Friend Is Cryaotic (**flashback**)

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I was "watching" TV, not really watching, actually I was not paying any attention to it at all. My mind travelled faster than a lightning. Several memories came to the surface. Am I going to forget everything that happened between me and him? Huuummmmm, forget, NEVER, forgive, MAYBE. It all depends of his next moves and what my heart tells me to do.

My thoughts were interrupted by several loud laughs and pushes from both Ken and Marzia. Apparently something very funny appeared on the show that they're watching.  But I was to "busy" to even see it. It must been something really comic because this guys are bursting out of laughing. They're truly happy, Marzia has a huge smile and she's almost layed down on my lap. Felix almost fell to the ground and Ken is leaning on my shoulder, its worst than a death weight. 

I just tried to get oblivious from everything in my surroundings getting lost in my thoughts, once again.


I entered my best friend's house threw a crack that he had let with the door opened.

Me- Ryan!...I arrived... Now the show can start!- I threatened dramatically.

Ryan- Of course, I can't do anything without you. Just get here, you highness- he shouted sarcastically and waving his arm from his room.

I walked towards it and when I entered the bedroom I found him playing Call of Duty, without me!!! 

Me- I can't believe you started without me! - I said while sitting next to him, on the bed, and grabbing a controller. I tried to give him a death look and be angry with him but for some reason that's "mission impossible".

***After a couple hours***

ME- DEAD, DEAD, you fell for my trap over and over again, just admit it, I'M BETTER THAN YOU! - I spoke with a daring voice, just fixating him. Not even a blink, then I raised my right eyebrow up and down, making us both bursting into endless gargles.

Ryan decided to change game, I wonder why?! When he was choosing a game I just got my phone out and scrolled down YouTube looking for any updates. NOTHING, REALLY, You must be keeding me, I mean Pewdiepie, Seannaners, Smosh and Markiplier, I understand, different schedule, they must be sleeping right now. But Cryaotic, He doesn't uploads a video in 2 days, I' dying here people. Alright maybe I'm overreacting a little, but c'mon I need something to feed my interior fangirl, I need that sweet voice to fill a part of my day I need his laugh, And I need the mystery that he brings in every video.

While I was cursing under my breath looking to Cryaotic's profile, literally waiting for a miracle to happen, I was knocked down falling on the bed by Ryan. 

ME- What the heck is wrong with you?- revolt was in my voice, but not for long, it disappeared as soon as I realized that he was on top of me, mere inches from my face, with hi green eyes staring at me, AWWW, his green eyes...

Ryan- I've chosen the game, we're going to play some GTA, what do you think?

Me- It seems a good idea... Ryan?

Ryan- Yes?

Me- Can you get of me, I'm starting to lose my breath.

Ryan- Ohhhh, sorry.

I rose and picked up my phone from the ground, gently canoodleing it. I unlocked to see if it was working, and thank GOD, it was. Actually was still on YouTube. Ryan peeked to my screen and giggled a little bit.

Ryan- You never told me you like YouTube?

Me- You never asked.

Ryan- Good point. - When he finished the sentence he leaned closer and suddenly he retreated himself with a blank expression.

An unexpected love (Pewdiepie x Cutiepie x Cryaotic  x Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now