25- BETRAYING RYAN ( with Ken? )

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My instant reaction was trying to cover myself, but as you can imagine that didn't work very well. Panic took possession of me, every laugh, every joke of my body returned to my head. I fought the tears back, but i couldn't, I was too weak and fragile to try. A tear ended up falling from my eye and it was followed by what felt like thousands. Now my head hurts for two reasons, GREAT! I continued crying and Ken just stood there, WAIT, WHY AM I STILL HERE IN FRONT OF HIM? I bursted of the kitchen as fast as my week body could run, I went to my room, and gladly Ryan wasn't there, otherwise I don't know how I would deal with that. 

I opened my closet and took out some trousers and a loose T. I dressed myself and returned to the first floor with my face still wet and my cheeks still blushing. I entered the living room with the objective of playing HALO in the Xbox to distract myself but I froze when I found Ken sited on the couch playing it. He looked up at me, and this time he had something to say...

Ken- Y/N...

Y/N- Shhhhh...- I cut him off- I don't want to talk about this.- I spoke with a tear running down my face, falling from my chin.

Ken- But Y/N...

Y/N- I said I don't want to talk about it, just forget about that image and delete it from your brain. - I demanded while sitting on the other couch, I just wanted to get a large distance from him.

Ken- You know that we will need to talk sometime.

Y/N- That won't happen... Where's everyone?

Ken- They went out for lunch and I think that they're going to the mall afterwards. - He stated turning to me, so now I could see his entire face.

Y/N- Why didn't you go with them?

Ken- I'm not in mood for crowds and noise, I mean hangovers aren't friendly at all.

Y/N- You have a hangover? When did that happen?

Ken- Y/N, I got it with you at the pub. - he came closer to me with a smirk on his lips- don't you remember?

Y/N- Nope. And how the heck did I ended up in your room?... -OH NO, I feared for the worse, I tied all the pieces together, I was drunk, heartbroken, on my underwear and slept on Ken's room, this isn't good.- Did we...?- I stumbled with bugged eyes and pointing to me and him alternately.

Ken- What…? OH, No, of course not.

Y/N- Oh, thank God - I took a deep breath

Ken- You didn't want to sleep in the same bed as Cry, so I offered my room and I just slept in the couch. As to you being like you were, I have no idea, maybe you just were hot. - He said while blushing. Why the heck does this guy blush so much, ..., I'm just glad that nothing happened.- I would never, and I repeat never, take advantage of someone that's not aware of what she's doing.

I didn't have a reply for that, he said that so quickly and with a straight face, I could tell that that was the pure truth. I picked a remote and unpaused joined the game, I really need to occupy myself before I do something stupid. 


We've been playing the game for quite a while, I managed to stay alive (I have no idea how). We kept stealing gazes from each other the entire time, I can't help it OK, and I’m fragile. And now I’m dead, GREAT, JUST GREAT. I bitted my lip and leaned forward in my seat, IT'S ON!!!


10 kills in 5 minutes, I’m a freaking PRO. While I exterminated all the enemies I didn't realized that Ken wasn't playing. Instead he was on my side watching me play, IS HE TIRED OF THE GAME?
I kept on playing it until one of those clips showed up on the screen, so I just leaned back on my sit. I looked to my side and found Ken just staring at me, WEIRD!

Y/N- Why aren't you playing?

Ken- I needed a pause.

Y/N- Alright. - We continued to look at each other..

His dark brown eyes stared at mine, for the first time I realized how good looking he was. His soft pale skin. He had an adorable grin on and his hair was in his natural messy state, kind of like Ryan's.

What the Hell?! Why are you comparing Ken to Ryan? And why are you having that sord of thoughts? Hey give me a break, I am weak.

During my interior conversation he just kept getting closer and closer until he was a mere inches from me. I could feel his breathing touching my skin and that sent chills to all over my body. We were still staring at each other without even blinking, and suddenly I got lost in his eyes. His sent was a spell, I couldn't move or even blink. 

Ken- Y/N...- he whispered my name, it sounded so good, especially with his husky voice.

Y/N- Ken, we can't...- I managed to say

Ken - I know...- he got even closer, now our noses were touching and our foreheads were colliding couldn't pull back, part of me was screaming to get out of there, but surprisingly the other part just wanted to close that gap.

Between my thinking, before I could make a decision, Ken kissed me, he got his hand in my waist pulling me closer to him, I got mine at the back of his head twining my fingers with his hair. I kept on acting irrationally, so when he pushed me down staying on top of me I didn't made anything to stop it, instead I continued to kiss him. But, for some reason, I could only think of Ryan, in my head I was kissing him and not Ken. My head kept replaying the kiss that I shared with Ryan in the bedroom, how his green eyes were filled with sadness, the way that he said those three words "I LOVE YOU".

I was about to pull back and end the kiss when I heard a noise coming from the entrance of the house.

Marzia- Y/N, KEN, we're back!!!

 Cliffhanger once again, yup I really love them. So some action right and a lot of confusion! I'm sorry for the lack of description on this chapter, but it needed a lot of dialogue. Anyways, what are you thinking so far, Cupcake?

I know that it was a bit late, but I’m in a period of a lot of stress with school exams and assignments that seem like they have no end. Thanks a lot for being here for me, and don't forget,

An unexpected love (Pewdiepie x Cutiepie x Cryaotic  x Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now