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I came out of the car as fast as I could, I run towards the beach, I took my shoes off and felt the warm sand in contact with my feet, I didn't had this feeling since I was a kid, before my mother forced me to move away to an isolation, not in a literal way, but that was how I thought of it, far from everything and everyone i loved, with no one to catch me when I fall.

Yes i had my mother with me, but it was the same thing to be alone. We lived in the same house but it would pass days without us trading a single word.

So, when I felt alone and helpless, in my worst times, when I almost made a choice with no return. I found God, and threw it, my biggest passion, DANCE.

After we moved I had never come to the beach again, all of my memories faded. I almost didn't know what it looked like. 

There it was, just in front of me, the beautiful blue waves that come and go hitting the sand, washing away all the miseries, and taking them away.

That's the way that I feel when I dance, my sadness comes to the surface and I give everything until I can't do it anymore, ending with a fall on the floor , without strength , just laying there, and , surprisely, smiling with all my heart. Every worry and every problem was washed away with the sweat that runs down my forehead.

That is what happened my entire life, I know I’m still young, but in mine 21 years I’ve past threw more things than other persons in their entire life. This is the way that I have to deal with my worries, just dancing.

After this I started to remember, why I once wanted to put an end on my life, every disgusting word came to my head. Every sentence forced her way to my heart, trying to break in, to hurt me. : '' YOU SUCK ", '' YOU'RE UGLY ‘‘, ''YOU'RE FAT '', ''I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING STILL ALIVE, WHY DON'T YOU DIE ALREADY?’’. ''BITCH, WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME.... FAT COW ''

'' GO AWAY, NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE '', '' YOU'LL NEVER BE SKINNY” ,  and so many more, that I can't even pronounce.

With every word I remembered a tear runs down, threw my cheek falling into the sand.

After a couple more tears, I just gave up fighting it, the doors of my heart opened and every memory felt like a stab, right in the chest. It hurted so much, I just wanted it to end.

I ran out of strength, my legs were weaker and weaker. I just fell in the ground like a rock, kneeling and crying my eyes out.


Here it is Cupcake, the new chapter XD. Something deep and profound, just getting to know a little better the girl's story. I hope you like it I may update another chapter today, but I’m not sure. For now I’ll dedicate to fix the spelling errors. I know I did a lot, but as I said before, English is not my mother tongue and I’m typing this story on a tablet, so I think that I’ve wrote all the letters, but we both now that that's not the reality.

Thank you so much for the support, and thank you for reading this story Cupcake, it means a lot to me.

Bye , love you guys, and don't forget ,


An unexpected love (Pewdiepie x Cutiepie x Cryaotic  x Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now