26- FORGIVENESS, Such a strong word

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For a matter of seconds we didn't get caught. I quickly grabbed my remote and acted like nothing had happened. Marzia walked into the room with some bags in her hands.

Marzia- I see that you're feeling better. - She spoke with a kind smile on.

Y/N- A little bit - I said not taking my eyes from the screen, I'm too scared to face her right now, What if she notices something different? What if I have my lips wet (I thought while sucking my bottom lip trying to make disappear the suppose wetness or redness)? What if my hair is still messy from Ken's hands grabbing it? This is killing me, I took a glance at Ken that was more panicky than I was, his eyes were widened and his lips were pursed into a fine line. Marzia approached, but I still didn't look at her, I kept “playing". Until she paused it, OH NO, SHE STOPPED IT, I'M SO SCREWD.

Marzia- You know there's a thing, that is quite old and you should know it, it's called socialize...- she said sticking her hand out in front of me, I hesitantly grabbed it (I don't want her to notice anything different, and I just want to get out of here, like, NOW) and she pulled me out of the couch, out of the living room and, THANK GOD, away from Ken. She pushed me into her room and closed the door behind me.

Marzia sat on the bed and patted a place next to her in the king size comfy bed. She made a sort of a runway in front of me, asking for my opinion on the clothes. I mean they were cute and that stuff, they all seemed like clothes of her closet, they already belonged here, you know?! I tried to pay attention to her and react to the outfit, but I can't. My mind is still reenacting the kiss over and over again. I can hear the boys screaming in the office, they're shooting a video. 

My head is messier than ever, the kiss only made things worse, I mean, technically I cheated on Ryan, but emotionally I didn't because it didn't meant anything to me, It only proves that I have strong feelings for Ryan and no one more. Yes I think that Ken is handsome and when I’m with him I feel something but that's only chemistry, what I feel for Ken does not compare to what I feel for Ryan. Yes, I love Ryan, I'm still resentful towards him, but that doesn’t erase our live together, our feelings, our LOVE.


The screams and the talking stopped so I guess that they've filmed the video. I left Marzia's room and went to the office. I took a deep breath before turning the knob to calm my racing heart down and opened the door. Inside I found the three of them sited side by side on a little brown couch. 

Me- Ryan...- He looked at me still with sadness in him- I have an answer.- Ken and Felix looked confused, but all I saw was hope in Ryan's green eyes with a small smirk growing on his face. I grabbed his hand and dragged him into the hallway where we can have some privacy. 

I stood there getting courage to speak, but I just got lost ,once again in his forest eyes, threw them I could see my first day of school, I could feel my mom hugging me, the soft breeze of the ocean hitting my face, I could hear notes playing and connecting themselves into a beautiful song, I remember it, it's the song that me and Ryan danced on prom, we were best friends at the time but we still got that slow motion dance together, it's seems like it was yesterday, we were hugging so tight barely even moving, my face was snuggled on his chest and he was resting his head on my shoulder, nothing else, just us living the moment  and it felt timeless, like it as meant to be, you know?! All those feelings came back to me, that craving of his warm lips against my bare neck, his whispers in my ear, his touch... I bitted my lip with those toughs floating in my head but I was snapped of them with his smoky voice.

Cry- What is your answer? I can't stand this waiting anymore. - I cleared my throat, alright, here it goes.

Y/N- I LOVE YOU RYAN, I never stopped and I never will, you’re my everything, I can't even imagine being alive without you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.- guilt invaded me, he's such a good person how could I do this to him?!

Cry- Sorry for what, sweetheart? - He hugged me- I'm the one that should apologize, I mean, I should never have put you in that situation, so…, do you forgive me?

The crave even got worse with his husky voice. I lifted my eyes to his mouth, those perfectly shaped lips just millimeters away from me.

Cry- Sweety...? - He kept staring at me anxiously waiting for a reply.

No words, no sentences, nothing, just a mind filled with desire. I couldn't take it anymore, so I just... Kissed him, with all my heart, with all my soul. This was my answer, I whispered to his lips three simple words, that when are together in a sentence can move mountains with all their strength. - I FORGIVE YOU.

WHAT,... NO CLIFFHANGER?! Yeah I just thought that it would be nice to end this chapter like this. Sorry for the time, I know I'm late, but this is something that I managed to write in my study breaks (yes, I have those and they normally last 20 min., so not too much). I’ll only post the next chapter in two weeks, because this are my final weeks with exams, so it's basically, ALL OR NOTHING. XD

I'm really tired, and I just need vacations so bad.

Talking about another topic, prepare yourself, aright, are you sited?! Take a deep breath! SENPAI NOTICED ME!!! Yeah, that's right, you didn't read it wrong, PEWDIEPIE NOTICED ME. He answered a tweet of mine, and all that it said was, and I quote, " <3 ". I know that that aren't words, but it's more than that, it's a heart, I'm still speechless, so happy I could die! I mean, I'm happy, but don't kill me ;). If you're wondering my twitter is @CutieCupcakeC , so go there and follow me .

Enough talking, see you later Cupcakes, I hope that Senpai notices you too, and don't forget,


An unexpected love (Pewdiepie x Cutiepie x Cryaotic  x Reader) ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ