3- getting to know pewdiepie and marzia

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I knew it, I really knew it, smiled to myself speechless.

Felix POV

And there she was, again like a statue, but I had a feeling that I knew what she was doing. Or dreaming while awake or just having a interior conversation.... I have this all the time and I know that feeling, when our eyes twinkle and that stupid smile that we do, just to not talk about the silly gestures on the air because we think that we are somewhere else on our minds. Yep and know I’m also having an interior conversation, excellent concentration Pewds, really excellent......

I came back to reality and there she was, still like a statue, nodding to the air and started to blush. Her eyes started to shine like stars and then hi realize how beautiful her < eye color > eyes were, they sparkled and didn't were like any others, these ones had life and happiness. What the heck are you doing Felix, come back to reality, you can't just be here thinking about a girl's eyes....

Then Marzia decided to something about the dream land...

Marzia- C'mon people, just wake up, you can dream at night. - She said giving me a warm smile and then planted a short kiss on my lips, but she seemed a little distant

Felix - Sorry Marzia you know that when I start thinking, I get lost in my thoughts.

Y/N - Yup, me too - she said giving an awkward smile and nodded, and then Cry sited on her side and putted his arm around her shoulder.

My POV -

Ryan putted is arm around me like he wanted to protect me , he knew that something was wrong with me, because lately he has been very distance and doesn’t spend any time with me, he just spends his hole days talking in front of the computer and laughing. But he must have been talking with Pewdiepie, right, so I gave him some space, we've been dating for 2 years and we've never been so far apart from each other, I guess that's why is trying to surprise me.

Me - Do you want anything to drink or eat, maybe some tea? - I offered because Marzia loves tea and so do I

Marzia - I would love to... want some help?

Me- Nop, you guys are the guest so you stay there and just do something that , like talking or something else....

Cry's POV

Cry- alright, yeah, we should talk, so how was the trip?

Felix- It wa.......

Marzia- It was good, but a lot long, this will mess my sleep - she said interrupting Felix and smiled

Felix- Man, I've missed you, and she seems a really nice girl...

There was a short pause in the dialogue because just started thinking about everything that me and y/n have done together, so many memories, I didn’t believe , How can a guy like me can have a girl like that ( I said looking to the kitchen ) . She's so pretty, her long < hair color > hair flows down her back, she's wearing light denim shorts and a Smosh t-shirt that she adapted to make a thank top, and not wearing anything of make up at all, she's too beautiful to wear makeup, also she hates wearing it , she only uses in very special occasions... She's not to skinny, but she isn't fat, jus has a little bit of meat on her bones, so. I have something to grab (i made a silly smile). She's just perfect but she doesn’t realize it, because of her past.....

Cry- Yes it is, she's awesome I really don't know how the heck did I got a girl like this...

Felix- Tell us more about her, so that we know what to talk with her.?- Marzia nodded in agreement

Cry- Well as you’ve seen she loves singing and playing the guitar, both acoustic and electric. She's a Christian so no dirty talk around her, doesn’t like to get drunk and also loves to dance....

Felix - Wait so you mean that you guys never has s...

Cry- No I respect her will, although it’s hard, and she said that she wanted to wait - I interrupted

Felix - Man, I don't know how you can handle it; you must really love her...

Suddenly I didn’t know what to say, I mean. I really love her, but not as much as i used to, does this makes any sense at all?

Cry- Yeah, I do- i said with doubt written all over my face, I decided to change the direction of conversation to don't get more embarrassed then I already was- So, as I was saying, If you ever see her dance by herself in a room, it's because she needs to be isolated, and that she's really sad, so never interrupt it because it's like a therapy for her.

Felix- Oh Ok, so anything else that we shouldn’t say in front of her?

Cry- Yep, actually don't say that someone is fat or skinny , don't touch that topic, 'cause when she was a teen she was overweight and then she lost 20 pounds, but she still sees. Herself as fat, what she isn't.

Without anyone noticing y \ n has entered the room and asked

Y/N- Hi again, so what were you guys talking about??

An unexpected love (Pewdiepie x Cutiepie x Cryaotic  x Reader) ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora