39- Proposal

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I froze. What the heck am I gonna do? Now everyone knows me, everyone know how I look, knows about my green eyes, knows about my brown hair, knows about my stubble, knows about my dimples, they know everything. They know how my eyes squint when I’m nervose, how I make funny faces when I get anxious and how sometimes I show no emotion or what so ever.

This people have supported me for all this years, yet it was so much easier they not knowing my appearance, i could have all the privacy I wanted, i wouldn't get mobbed or anything like that, oh god, what if i get mobbed now? This was a bad idea, definitively a bad idea. I can hear them shouting for me, wanting pictures and autographs "Cry", "Oh My God It's Cryaotic" "Dude, is that Chaotic Monkey?" “Ryan, honey, are you alright?" , wait? Honey? Ryan? What the...? I felt a shake on my shoulder, I ignored it, it must be my imagination for sure. I continued hearing the voices... "CRYYYYYYYYYyy", "I SHIP PEWDIECRY ", "I swear to god if you don't look at me I’m gonna tackle you" , hmmm, tackle? Mind! YO MIND! IS THIS A JOKE?!? HOW ARE MY IMAGINATIONS GONNA TACKLE ME? You're dumb you know? You're the reason I hated maths, yeah that's right, i blame you... You never worked well with numbers, you always gave me the wrong answer, when Ms Brassington gave me the lecture about me failing things that a fifth grader would know she was giving it to you, how wouldn't you know how to calculate the area of a pyramid? Seriously? You could have done so many amazing things, you could have been so developed, you could have been better than Einstein's brain, BUT NO, I was stuck with you and not Mozart's brain... I bet you they never had an argument with their own brain, and if they did, well it must have been when they went CUCU,  you know, when they lost their screws, I mean, they went crazy...

Am I ranting? oh I am, dammit, y/n what are you doing to me? i think i caught your virus or something, now i rant about pointless stuff, it's your fault, not mine, yours... Wait, what was i doing before the rant? I don't remember, why did I go on a rant in the first place? Than I heard it again... "Ryan I'm going to count to 3 if you don't answer you'll earn a slap. 1,.... 2..............thre..."

Me-STOP - I shouted realizing that the voice was real and was in fact my girlfriend about to hit me in the face.

Y/N- Oh now you hear me?! I guess I need to treath you with physical pain more, but where to start? I can do so many things... - The sarcasm was so dense in her voice you could almost see it .

 Me- Ok Ok, I get it, but, to be fair, it's not my fault, i was having a really philosophical discussion with my brain...

Y/N- Wait, what? You, having an argument with your brain? What the heck?! That's something i would do, not you...

Me- Well, we pass so much time together I’m starting to see parts of you in me. - I blushed, did I say this out loud? Oh god i think I did. I looked at her, it was like someone pressed the pause button, no response. Yup, I said it out loud.

My girlfriend crashed her lips into mine pushing me backwards. We fell into the mattress and continued kissing passionately, she smiled against my mouth. This right here, was the moment when I realized I was going to make the right decision. This feeling that only she gives me. She understands me like no one does. Without even knowing she distracts me from all the sadness within me. Doesn't need words to show how much she cares. This woman is just everything to me and I can't bare the idea of hurt her. I want to protect her with my life but if that's not possible I don't know what I'll do without her.

I gained all my courage, broke the kiss, sat down on the edge of the bed gripping it like my life depended on it. It's now or never, Ryan you can do it, just give her the thing, it's not like anything can go wrong, or can it? What if she realizes she doesn't love me? What if she leaves? What if she's just hoarding all she wants to say and spills it out now? What if she secretly hates me? Mind shut up, it's all gonna be fine, it has to be...

I slowly loosen my grip from the edge and reached under the bed to find a small black velvet box. She was reading the chat on the stream, yes, we're still streaming, I kinda forgot, and by kinda I mean, i totally forgot.

Me- Y/N- she turned all her attention to me- there's something I need to ask you...


I heard him hesitate in each word he said, he was shy but confident, determined but afraid, so close yet so far. I've never seen him acting this way. How can one question make him feel all this emotions, than I noticed the box he was holding, the size of his palm, I than stared into his eyes in confusion and he gave me a open smile, like a relief. He can't be doing this, he just, no, we never talked about this, how can this be possible, I don't even know how he loves, why would such an amazing man love a girl like me? I'm just fucked up in every word, sorry the swear word, but it's true, nothing can describe me better than fucked up. Since my childhood I've heard i'm the reason all the problems happen, everyone around me got hurt in some way. I've thought about ending this misery more times than the amount of fingers in my hand. Everywhere I go bad things happen. I'm never good enough, I’m never what people wanted me to be and that hurts, dawm it hurts. You have no idea how much it hurts, it's a scar deep in my soul that I hate to show to anyone. I hate let the walls that I built since a very young age be destroyed, they give me safety. But I've let him in, I showed him every imperfection I have, every fear, every scar, every nightmare. He knows it all, I would expect him to have left by now, but he's still here and I don't understand why is he still standing by my side. 

Cry- Will you give me the privilege of spending the rest of my life with you?

 So many words, my mind is too confused to understand what he just said, I know he's trying to be romantic and stuff but he needs to understand that my brain sometimes break. I stared at him mesmerized trying to figure out what the heck he just asked.

Me- Hmm? - was all that my head was able to put together, yeah, it was that bad.

Cry- Will you marry me silly? - He looked up and down to the now open box with a shiny ring inside.

Oh my god, he just asked it. He wants to marry me... And he did it on stream, so the whole world could know how much he loves me, it's time to finally start convince myself that he loves me and that he'll never hurt me. He stared at me waiting for an answer, oh right, answer...

Me- yes, Yes, YESYESYESYES...YES!- I throwed myself into him, it only missed someone shouting on the background " TIMBERRRRRRRRRRRR" 

I'm going to be Mrs. Cryaotic, I can't wait...

You're not delirating, no, this chapter is real and it's here. Crazy right?!? I'm so sorry for taking so long, there's nothing I can say that will make you feel better. Well maybe the content of the chapter, he just proposed, yeah that's right, there's a wedding happening. Now you might be asking, where is this going? Right? Right? This was your cue to ask it, ffs, dammit, ok, try again, whe........? Good (nailed it). I can't tell you, all I can say is that will be good, not good amazing, not amazing spectacular... There's still some things to happen but it's coming to an end, I don't want it to end, it's been such an amazing journey. You, yes, you, Cupcake, you're just awesome, you know why? Because you're reading this. All of your support makes me so happy, your messages, comments, votes and reads remind me that someone enjoys what I’m doing and that's crazy, I never thought that someone would like what I'm doing, seriously, and now I’m just astonished by all the responses. So Thank you so much, don't forget to leave a vote and a comment, I love to know your opinions. 
Oh and no cliffhanger?! You realized it? Well i think you guys deserved to know the end of the chapter :D


An unexpected love (Pewdiepie x Cutiepie x Cryaotic  x Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now