14 -The flame is lit, once again

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Cry- y/n!! - He yelled, while running towards me. His voice was weak and cracking, I could tell that he was crying. The sound started to get higher and higher until I felt something that pushed me, and two arms wrapped around me. He had launched himself towards me, he knew that I needed his presence in that moment, and he knew why. I started crying even more , my eyes should be red and puffy right now , but I don't care, the only thing that matters is that I’m safe , between me and the world is an unbreakable barrier. I laid my head in his chest and listened to his heart beat, everything got peaceful and quiet,  No more bad words, No more cruel sentences, NO MORE BULLIES, just one sound that travels between my ears, a beat.

Finally I felt what I haven't felt in a few months, just an unconditional and never ending love. It's sad that it took something like this to be this closer again. That moment was magical, hours could pass, and I wouldn't realize, 'cause I was in the best place in the world, my love's arms.

Cry- I love you, y/n! Never forget it, and i promise you that I’ll always be by your side. - He whispered in my ear.

Those words stopped the stabbing and the pain. HOW COULD I FORGET THAT I'M NOT ALONE IN THIS WORLD!?! I have people that love me for who I am, no changes needed. They may be only a few, but they're the best. - I thought, smiling to myself.

Suddenly he moved back, separating us.

Me - Why did you do that? - I said with a confused look

Cry- To do this...

He slipped his hand to my chin, lifted my head and looked deeply into my eyes and I couldn't resist looking into his. And once again I got lost in the beautiful forest green, so many feelings behind them, you just need to decode them. Then he leaned into my lips, crashing into mine and sending a shiver down my spine, so soft and warm, a feeling without words to describe. They fitted perfectly together, it's like it was ment to be.  He started to kiss with more passion, he leaned down, pushing me against the sand and laying on top of me.  Every thing around me was like a blur, and my only focus was right in my front, with his nose against my cheek, and his tongue wrestling with mine.

Marzia- HHHuuuuHmmmm.- She said making a fake coughing.

OH SH**, I FORGOT WE AREN'T ALONE. And I bet that Ryan did the same. He came of me giving me space to sit. And then I saw it , two figures standing in front of me against the Sun. Felix looked at me and then moved his eyes to the left and right repeatedly. I got his signal and looked around, everyone on the beach was staring at us.

ONE OF THE MOST AWKWARD’S MOMENTS OF MY LIFE, just happened, what am I going to do?

I decide to update another chapter today, because I felt like the last one was a little short. And had inspiration running threw my veins , so thought that it wouldn't be fair if I didn't shared it with you guys. I hope you like it .

82 reads, seriously, you are amazing. Kisses for all of you.

Plz comment what do you think of the story this far.

And I know I never asked this before, but it would help me a lot if you click the favorite button and follow me. Thank you so much for all the support that was given to me.



An unexpected love (Pewdiepie x Cutiepie x Cryaotic  x Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now