18- SMOSH gets envolved

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Cry- I,...,I,...,Uhhhmmmm,I..., was talking with Ian ( from Smosh)- he stumbered while smiling nevoursly.

Me- Oh, is that so?!- irony runned trew my voice-If you were talking with him , why all the secrecy?

Cry- The smosh crew wants me to do a colab with them in a video, and no one is supose to know until the release.- he stated texting something quickly.

Me- WELL, so IFyou were talking with Ian you won't mind if I call him to verify it, do you?

Cry- Why do you need that, don't ou believe in me?

Me- Unfortunaly NO, ..,- the words dropped of my tongue,finnaly i had the courage to say what was going trew my mind- lately you've been lying to me all the time and away from me, i'm not STUPID, you know?! - I said loudly 

Cry- ... Uhm,..., right,..., do whatever you want!

And thay's exactly what i did.I picked up his phone to have Ian's number, since I don't know him personaly. We never swithced numbers.


At every ring my stomach did a flipinside e, I got anxious and the nerves started growing even more.After 3 rings someone picked up the phone.


*** a couple minutes before ***

I was watching TV, me and Anthony had just shoot another " Lunch time with SOMSH ". My eyes were focused on the screen when I felt something vibarting on my leg. When I looked at it I realised that was a text from CRY!!!

I haven't talked with him in a month.So I openned the text curiously:

Cry: If anyne ask I talkd wit you

The guy must have been in a hurry , because text text was so mispeled that i barely uderstood it. And not even a smile, he allways puts a smile at the end, weird.

I was about to text him back when I received a call from...... CRY?? I ansered the call immediatly.

Ian- YYYYello!!!

Y/N- Hi, is this Ian? - a femenine voice asked, I did'nt reconized it.

Ian- Yes, and you are???- I inquired intrigued, obviasly it was not Cry.

Y/N- Oh, sorry, I'm y/n, Cry's girlfriend- she told me ironically.

Ian- Right,so is everything OK?

Y/N- Actually No- there it goes, the answer that i didn't want to hear- Where you texting Cry today?

What should i say?? I can lie to her like Cry wanted me to , but that way i'll only get more envolved with this ( and i don't want to, believe me ). And one of the things that i know about y/n is that she htes lies and liers, i just don't ant to get her hurt.


Ian- ...., Yes, we were texting. - I lied, as soon as the words came out of my mouth, regret flooded me. I just lied to a girl that only wants answers.

Y/N- And what were you talking about?- she asked, this is like a quiz now? she didn't sound convinced at all.

That's it, i'm gonna get caught and i'll will hurt her and bring pain to her heart. I started searching my brain for something to say, nothing occurred to me, just a empty blank of nothing. This was a bad idea. And then i heard it, a low wisperin the backround of the call: " video".

Ian- About a video, we were talking about a video!

Y/N- Ok- she souded relived- it was nice to talk to you, sorry for the quest.

Ian- Thanks, and don't worry about it !- i tryed to sound as normal as possile.

Y/N- Bye.- and the phone call ended.


It was confirmed, nothing secial was going on here. Why did i heardthat stupid voice? I fell so dumb right now! I turned arround and saw Ryan giving me a cute smile. The anger left my body, instead of it regret runs trew my veins.

Me- Babe, i'm sorr...- he shutted me placing his index finger in the front of my mouth. While i wispered.

Cry- Don't worry sweety- his voice sent shivers trew my body, the way that he refered to me got me blushing.

It seemed that he wanted to say something, but he didn't, instantly he closed his mouth and bitted his bottom lip, his plumpy wet bottom lip. My eyes got out of his eyes and stred at his mouth. So beautiful, just calling me : " KISS ME !!!".

Here you have Cupcakes,

I wanted to update sooner, but i'm so smart that i leaved my notebook where i had written the chapter in my shool locker, GENIUS right?

Well, what do you think it's gonna happen, will she give up and "surrender to Ryan?"

We will discover in the next chapter ;).

Thank you for reading this story, it means a lot to me XD.

I've got to go ( busy with test).Bye and don't foorget,


An unexpected love (Pewdiepie x Cutiepie x Cryaotic  x Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now