Into The Unknown

261 12 13

Yume POV

My hands touch my hair again. Feeling it's fluffyness. I've never had it this short. It's weird.

I gently tighten my old pink hair bow

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I gently tighten my old pink hair bow. Something I haven't worn since I left Four Star Academy. I also wear the ring my mother gave me on my 13th birthday.

I hear the door open and look over my shoulder to find Honoka. I moved in with her since she got her own place. For now, I'm her roommate.

I'm saving up money secretly though for when her and Sora marry I'll move out.

Giving my bow one more tug, whip my head from one side to the other side. My hair bouncing up and down.

"I still can't believe you're in high school." I overhear Honoka say. I nod my head in reply.

I look at the mirror and see my reflection. A bright yet sad smile on my lips. My short hair reminding me of my twin sister.

I stare at myself for awhile. Wondering how even though my heart has been been stabbed, burned, and tortured. That it still seems to work.

"Yume! You're gonna be late!"

I quickly snap myself out of it and grab my school bag and bolt out of the door. And start running. Which I am kinda able to do now.

(Play song above!)

I close my eyes real quick and smile. Recalling some memories.

Oh mirror, mirror on the wall,

"Thank you Subaru-Kun for walking me to the dorms."

You say good morning after all-

I turn a corner and the the top of the school building in sight.

I still look awfwl, but it's really nothing new.

"Loneliness is the worst way to handle pain."

I finally see the front of the school along with Laura, Mahiru, Koharu, and Ako.

I smile at them and wave my hand to them. When I reach them Laura places her hand on her hip and smiles.

"Look who's able to run now?"

I chuckle.

"Yeah. The surgery help alot. But being able to run is only temporary. But still though!"

I give them a smile and they all chuckle. We all share a look. A look we always used to share. A look that had belonged to only us five.

We face the the entrance of the school. The wind blowing and the sakura tree leaves or cherry blossoms falling down. We take one step. And begin the next 3 years of our lives. Together.

Holding onto thoughts I can't convey. Yet have so much that I want to say.

For lunch. We all decided to meet up on the roof. Bringing whatever we had. I happily munch on whatever I have.

Smiling at myself for reasons I can't find out. I look at all my friends. Watching them laughing and goofing around. And for a quick second, I imagine Brec sitting next to them and laughing along with them.

I don't cry. I don't even shed a tear. I just smile at the life she wished she wanted. So instead. I'll live it for her.

"Hey Yume?"
Laura asks me.

I hum in response.

"How are you and Subaru doing?"

I smile.
"Good. I moved out though. We decided not to live with each other so that when I actually move in, it'll feel more special."

The four of them aww in response. And I playfully roll my eyes. An even brighter and happier smile finding it's way to my lips.

I look down at my two rings. The ring my mom gave me and my promise ring. Weirdly happy to see both on my hand.

We all decided what we're gonna do here for the next 3 years. Laura said she's gonna try to become the next president of the school idol club here. Ako said she would also join. Mahiru and Koharu said that they're gonna try to start a fashion club. Me? I'm gonna try to become student council president.

I look at everyone and smile. I know. I've been smiling a lot recently but I can't help it.

After the day is over. Even on the first day of school we have to help clean it. Which takes about 1-2 hours. I help wipe the board, and dust of the eraser. I also take any trash bags to the dumpster.

When I get back to the class room, I find every one gone. Which makes me frown. I shrug. It will get us awhile to become as close as we--er I was with them. I walk over to my desk and grab my bag and head out.

I reach my shoe locker and trade out my school shoes for my home shoes. While putting my school shoes back in I notice a note. I gently grab it and look at it.

Hurry and come outside!


I give the note a weird look and walk out the building. Which causes my eyes to widen.

Standing in a straight line is everyone. And I mean everyone. Shiro. Subaru. Lily everyone.

I smile at myself and look up at the orange sky to try to avoid crying. I can't waste my tears anymore.
After all I have the whole world to see now.

That One Year (Sequel to That One Day) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now