Our Future

273 16 1

3rd POV

Yume rests her head on the café table. She smiles. It's been such a long time since the girls have been here.

Yume smile as she watches Sora hand the 3 sisters their hot chocolates and winks at Honoka. Honoka looks down. Her face blushing red.

As Yume sip her hot chocolate she hears Brec's voice.

"Finally! It's December! Christmas time! And Onee-Sama is graduating in a few weeks!"

Yume stares confused at her sisters.

"Onee..... Sama?"

Brec stares at Yume blankly until realising what Yume meant and smiles.

"Yume... We are sisters. I've just... Known longer than you... So of course it's more natural for me to call her that."

Yume nods her head. Understanding. As she places her cup down she stares at her lap.

"Hey I've been thinking..."
"Hm?" Both girls say. Curious.

"I--If I were to say I would want to go to a high school... Which one should I go too..?"

Honoka says morning and stares at Yume until a huge smile takes place on her face.

As Honoka leans forward across the table she shouts."Yume! You want to go to school!?"

Yume shyly nods her head. A light blush on her face.

Honoka reaches across the table and wraps her arms around Yume.


Brec clears her throat.
"Onee-Sama... Um... We're still in the café...."

Honoka blinks a few times until she sits back in her seat embarrassed.

Yume softly chuckles.

"Otonokizaka!!" Honoka shouts at Yume as they walk out the café.

"Your school?"
"Yeah! It's amazing! And there's all sorts of clubs there!!"

Honoka basically jumps on Yume and shouts,"You have to join it!!"

Yume gently pushes Honoka off her and turns to her.

"I already said I'll think about it."
"No! No think about it! I want a yes or a no! A,"I think about it." Is a maybe! Or sometimes a no! I want a straightforward answer!"
"Well then maybe."
"No! Not a maybe!!"
"Onee-Sama... Stop trying to push Onee-Chan to go to your school."

Yume jumps a little from being called,"Onee-Chan" just now.

She feels her cheeks heat up and turna foreward.

"Y--Yeah! B-Brec's right!"
"Aw look Onee-Chan's embarrassed from being called Onee-Chan." Brec says with a mischievous smirk.

"A--Am not!"

Yume looks down as her sisters continue to talk. A small smile grows on her lips.

Everyone is gathered in Honoka's living room due to the girls wanting to discuss what high school to go to.

Yume lays on Honoka's bed. Squeezing a rounded pink pillow that Yume got her for Christmas last year.

As she places the pillow down she messes with her light green dress. She thinks. Thinks about how she would go to school for the first time in a whole year. With nobody she even knows.

She squeezes her eyes closed. But then again.... She would be following in her sisters foot steps.

After some time Yume makes up her mind and rushes down stairs. Half way down the stair case she bends over the railing and shouts,"I have made my decision!"

Everyone turns to the sound of Yume's strangely loud voice.

She makes her way down the rest of the stair case and walks up towards Honoka.

"Starting in April. I will be attending Otonokizaka. Which means I will also be attending the dance this month."

Honoka stares at Yume wide eyed. Until small tears start to form in the corner of her eyes.

She quickly wraps her arms around Yume and starts jumping up and down while still holding her. Brec soon joins in and all sisters are laughing.

"Hey! Onee-Chan! Stop!"

Honoka freezes. And removes her hands from Yume's neck and rests them on her shoulders.

"Did you just call me Onee-Chan..?"

Yume doesn't say anything. Rather, she boldly nods her head.

Honoka feels tears slid down her cheeks and cups Yume's face.

"Say it again!"
"Onee-Chan. Stop making a big deal out of it."
"Okay seriously stop."

Everyone laughs as Honoka just hugs Yume once more. A big smile on her face.

A knock it heard from the Itona's door. With their parents gone for the week it's Ryuu job as the oldest to open it.

When he opens the door his heart stops.

There. Standing in the freashly pouring rain. Is Lily. But not her normal self. Bruises are visable on not only her face, but her arms and legs. Red marks on her wrists, and tears streaming down her face.

Some of the bruises look so bad they look blue or a really dark purple. So dark that it almost looks black.

Lily looks up and when she barley opens her mouth Ryuu hugs her. Soft tears falling from his eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me....?"

Lily manages a small but sad smile.

"Gomenasai... I just didn't want to be a burden....."
"How can you be a burden if you obviously need help from being hurt.."


That's just how I was raised to think...."








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