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3rd POV

Yume stands in the big living room. Subaru had asked her to wait until all the girls had fallen asleep to come out of the girls "dorms".

Yume quietly yawns. Her eyes heavy.

"Where is he?" She asks herself.

Just then she feels a pair of familiar warm arms wrap around her shoulders.

"You're finally here."
Yume jokingly says.

Subaru rests his head on her shoulder and closes his eyes. When he opens his eyes again he removes his arms and walks infront of Yume.

He pulls out a small black box from his pocket.

Yume doesn't say anything. But she is slightly amazed.

"Open it."
Subaru says to her with a smile.

Yume does what he says. And when she does her light up.

Inside the box. Is two golden bands. One slightly smaller than the other.

Yume looks up at Subaru. Tears at the corner of her eyes.

"Ar--Are these?-"
"Promise Rings...."

Yume takes in a breath. And wraps her arms around Subaru's neck. He wraps his arms around her waist.

"This is our first step into being Husband and Wife isn't it...."
"It is...."


Sorry this chapter was short.

But there will be a New Years Eve chapter.

See y'all soon


That One Year (Sequel to That One Day) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now