An Unexpected Run-In

445 18 35

3rd POV

A bubble-gum colored hair girl pays no attention to her surroundings as she textes one of her friends.

She doesn't even notice a certain red head male walking towards her until she feels that she's bumbed into someone.


But as she looks up she see's the boy that she had confessed to not that long ago.

"Hey Laura-Chan!"

There's an awkward silence.

"Well... Um... Bye Izumi-San!"
Laura says pushing through him.

"Hey wait!"
He grabs her arm lightly.
"Wanna um.... Hang out?"

She looks at him suspiciously.
"You're not making me go on a date with you that I'm unaware of because you feel pity for me cuz you said no to my confession right?"
"What!? No!"

She inches closer to his face a bit and studies his eyes. She backs away from his face.
"Okay.... I'll believe you."

Shiro gets extremely happy.
"Okay! Um.... What do you wanna do?"
"I don't know...."
"Well where were you going?"
"To a bakery. I have a sweet-tooth."
"Well then let me go with you!"

Laura just nods her head. Honesty since the talk her and Yume had she doesn't really have a crush on Shiro anymore. But, that doesn't mean she doesn't she's not getting nervous around him right now.

As they walk to a bakery that Laura vists to offten, she doesn't look at Shiro. Not even a little peak. She stares at the ground as they walk.

Shiro, not liking the silence decides to speak up.

"Hey um.... Are you mad at me?"
"What makes you say that?"
Laura says still not looking at him.

"Well... That. You're not looking at me."
"If I'm looking at you how will I know where I'm going?"
"Good point.... But either way.... Are you mad at me that I didn't like you back?"
"No. To be honest I was more sad than mad. But I'm over it now. And I can tell you're getting over Honoka bit by bit."
"During Sora's confession on her birthday. You were a bit more happy than mad or sad."
"..... True."

Shiro can't deny the fact that his feelings for Honoka are disappearing. Though there's a part of him that wants to keep his feelings for her for unknown reasons. Maybe he just doesn't wanna be single.

Then again he's not so sure.

Wanting to change his thoughts. He stares at Laura's hair. Wanting to give her a nickname like how he has one for Honoka Yume and even Brec.

"Shiro? Shiro!"
"Huh? What?"
"Do you want anything?"
"Uhh.... Sure get me a crepe."

Laura get's both him and herself a crepe.

As they both exit Shiro asks Laura a question.

"Hey. Wanna eat them together?"
"Hm? Where?"
"I know this park! It's close by! Come on!"
He grabs her hand and drags her to the nearby park.

As he brings her to a bench Laura looks at him suspiciously.

"Why do you wanna spend so much time with me?"
"I guess it's because...... I wanna know why you liked me."

Laura was surprised by Shiro's question. But shook her head.

"I guess it was because I thought you were attractive...? But I think...."
She pauses for a sec then continues.

"I think it was because I was really curious about you... So I had.... Fake feelings for you? I don't really know."

He nods his head. A very light blush on his face due to the fact that nobody ever said that about him. And can't help but to smile a tint bit from Laura's "compliment".

He gave Laura a goofy smile which lead to her getting a light blush.

"W-Why are you smiling?"
"Because nobody's ever said that about me. So thank you."

Laura couldn't help but to blush.

"You're welcome....."
She smiles.
Shiro gets super happy.

"You smiled!"
"That's the first time I've seen you smile all day!"
He grabs her shoulders.

"So that means you're not mad at me!?"

He hugs Laura tight. Which causes her to blush.

"Uh--No--No problem....!"

He pulls away from her and gives her a smile.

"A-Anyway," Laura grabs his hand.

"C-Can we be friends?"

He looks at her puzzled.

"What do you mean? We're already friends. Right?"

Laura looks at him surprised but then smiles brightly.


Hey guys! I just wanna let you guys know that another chapter will be up tomorrow!

Why so many chapters you ask?

Well September is gonna be a very important month for this book.

And only me and Floor(Florie) Know what it is.


Anyway I hope y'all look foreward to tomorrows chapter!

That One Year (Sequel to That One Day) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now