I Want To Become Itona Lily!

203 13 6

3rd POV

Yume looks at a sleeping Lily who is resting her head on Yume's shoulder kindly. She gently pokes her cheek.

"Lily-Chan. Wake up."

Lily tiredly blinks slowly and rubs her eyes.
"Yume-Sama? What time is it?"

Yume smiles gently.
"I'm not so sure. But what I do know is that it's Valentine's Day."

Lily jumps up happy.
"Oh yeah!"

Lily and Yume spent almost all night making chocolates for their loved ones.

"Did you know I met Honoka on this day?"

Lily shakes her head.

Yume smiles and looks up.
"There was a Valentine's Day Festival in a park. And I entered. I met Onee-Chan there because her and all of μ'S entered also."

Lily smiles brightly. Yume looks at Lily.

"By the way."
"I saw that there was this one chocolate that you were working very hard on. I wonder who it's for?~"
Yume says in a teasing voice.

Lily's face turns bright red as she closes her eyes and shouts,"Tha--That's none of your concern!"

Yume giggles. And pats Lily's head.
"It's okay. I have a feeling he'll accept it gratefully."

Lily smiles at Yume's words. A warm feeling in her chest just thinking about the moment later today and how she'll hope it'll go.

"Lily. If your arms keep on shaking you'll drop her."
Brec says while chuckling slightly.


Lily looks at the newborn in her arms.  Her bright green eyes stare into Lily's pale pink ones.

"She's so small.... How is it possible for a person to be this small...?"
Lily says. Wonder in her voice and eyes.

"By the way Onee-Chan."
Honoka starts. Causing Lily and Yume to turn.

"What did Riku give you for Valentine's Day today... If he gave you something that is."

Brec chuckles nerveously while scratching her cheek.

"Ahaha.... Well.... He um.... Asked for my hand in marriage....."

The girls jaws drop. As their eyes widen.

Yume shouts causing Bree to cry. Lily tries to rock her in her arms despite the fact that she's still in shock. Brec holds her arms out and Lily hands Bree over to her mother.

"Ye--Yeah... He basically wants me to be Nijino "Izumi" Itona Brec as fast as possible since....."
Brec trails off.

"M--My that name is a mouthful right?!" Brec says nerveously. Hoping to change the topic.

"Ne, ne!"
Lily starts.

"Would that make you my sister-in-law!?"
Lily says excited. Brec gives her a confused face.

"What do you mean? Did they adopt you?"

Lily is taken aback by her own words. Taking a step away from the girls with a blush on her face.

"N--No... I--I um... Meant...."

The 3 girls confused gaze soon becomes mischievous.

Lily looks down. A blush across her face. She quickly runs out of the room. Yume chases after her.

Stopping her Yume pats her head.
"Don't worry. We won't do anything."

Lily looks up at Yume. She looks down embarrassed.

That One Year (Sequel to That One Day) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now