A Crushing Star

671 33 34

Yume POV

I stare blankly at the ground. My eyes blank, filled with no emotion.

"Ms. Nijino Yume?"

I slightly pick my head up from the sound of my name.

"Dr. Timmy would like to see you now."

I don't reply. All I can make myself do is a slight nod.

I push my hands against the chair and push myself up as best as I can.

As I stand on my legs my body slightly swings a bit.

I take a breath and walk over to the nurse.

The walk seams to last forever. I just stare at the back of the nurse's jet black hair. When she comes to a halt so do I.

She opens the door. I nod my head and walk in.

"Yume. Please sit."

I nod my head and obey.

The chair feels cold. Like as if nobody has sat in for ages. My legs gently hit the cold metal.

"So over the phone call you told me........... About your legs."

I nod my head.

"So. Please explain everything to me."

I take a deep breath.
"Well. I woke up, and the two high schoolers I live with they were already at school. And the parents aren't gonna be home for awhile cuz they're helping a sick family member. So I was alone. And after awhile I just....... Slowly felt the feeling coming back into my legs."

He nods his head.

"It seams like your legs are getting paralyzed, but they aren't completely. At the very most you have a few months until you're gonna need a wheelchair. But me and a few other doctor's have been making a pill for you, and only you."

"What will it do?"
"It'll help you walk. But it won't work forever."
"I figured."

"Now. Has anything new happend since the last check-up?"
"No.......... Except that I threw up...."
"I already have an answer for that. Yume. How many times do you eat a day?"

I shrug.

He says sternly.

I can't tell him how many meals I have a day.......then he'll know something is wrong....


I bring my head up.

"At the most............ One meal......."

I let my head lose it's feeling and let the weight drag it down. But then I whip it up. My hair flying foreward a bit.

"I try to eat! Really I do! But....... My appetite just........disappears...."
"I know Yume...... But you have to try."
"I know! I do! But....... I just can't bring myself to......"

We don't say anything else. I lower my head.

"I think I should go lay down....... Thank you Dr."

I push myself up and walk away. My hand makes contact with the hard, cold metal handle. I look up and see the door is painted a dark blue. I open the door and walk out.


My head hangs low on the walk back. I've walked so many times from the hospital to Honoka's house that I've mastered the way to get there.

As I'm walking I stare at the ground. Kicking any pebble I see in sight. I keep on doing that until my head meets a small chest.

I continue walking until the person says something to me.

I turn around and see a some-what familiar brown hair.


"What are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to walk around."
She pauses. She then squints and stares at me long and hard.

"What's wrong."
"What's. Wrong."
"Nothing. I'm fine."
"No you're not."

She grabs my hand.

"I've seen that look in your eyes. I know that look in your eyes. Why? Cuz I've had that look once."

"What's wrong?"
"Just...... Stuff with my sickness."

I take a deep breath.

"It's getting worse. And honestly. I'm starting to get scared."
She takes a light breath.

"I know that feeling. I've had that feeling. You feel like your whole world is crashing down. But you know what inspired me to keep on living? You won't believe me though..."
She looks down.

"What was it?"

She slightly looks up.
"Well. It was from this anime. And, there was this girl, who was sick. At first she seamed normal. But soon she started getting really sick. After she um...... Dies, she confesses to the boy she likes in a letter. And tells him that after she learned she didn't have much ti-............... That she was sick. She became a wild child. Everything she was scared to do she did. That's what inspired me."

I stare at her in some-what shock.
She pulls a bit of her hair behind her ear.

"I'm kinda what people call an Otaku."
"What's that?"
(Author:..............-Tries not to hurt Yume-)

She stays quiet. And just stares at me.
She soon just walks away.

"H-Hey! What is it!?"
She stops. And turns around with a bright smile.
"A person who watches a lot of anime."

She gives me a close eye smile.

"Welp. See ya tomorrow!"
She turns on her heel and starts humming this song. Even though I can't see it, I can tell she has a giant, bright smile glued on her face.

I slightly smile. Not a fake one. Not one where I can barley move my lips. An actual genuine smile.

My eyes slightly widen and my right hand softly reaches over to my mouth.

I remember something from this American t.v. show I watched one time.

"People change people."

Maybe that is true after all.....

I turn around and head back to Honoka's home.

Even though I obviously can't see it, I think my eyes may have lost some dead. And look more....... Alive and........... Happy


Just maybe.....

Hey guys!
Man idk why but this chapter was satisfying to write.
Mk so what do you think were the two shows that Brec and Yume referenced too?
Comment your answer.
Mk see you guys next week!
Edit: It's 12 am for me but technically it's Friday soz......

That One Year (Sequel to That One Day) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now