Chapter 12

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“Ah, um, I am wondering... do you want to go to my house?”

The days had flown by, and it was Friday already. My legs ached from the trek up the three flights of stairs an hour ago, and more than anything, I just wanted to curl up on the sofa with poptarts and coffee, but I shook the idea out of my mind. He’s asking you to be a friend, and go do a friend thing. Forgo the sugary goodness for now and go hang out.

“To study, I try to say. To study with me?”
“Yeah, sure! I would love to.” I said, ushering myself to be enthusiastic like my own overbearing mother. He smiled, walking a little closer to me. “Whereabouts do you live?”
“Ah, I do not know the way to describe... There is a big tree, and a park, and lot of flowers. It is at that place, it is a blue house. You know it?”
“Uh, I’m not sure... oh, wait, the one with the white fence? And the flowers in hanging baskets?” That place was fancy as fuck. I didn’t even know people moved in and out of those places, I thought they just owned them as like their seventh property or something. They look too... movie set like to be real. I swear most of them are made of cardboard.

Wait, what do his parents work as? They must be loaded.

“Yes, I believe that it is this house. The one you talk – is talking – about.”
“That’s a really nice place,” I smiled. “And well done for remembering what I said. It’s ‘are talking’ though, yeah? Since you’re using ‘you’.”
“Ah, yes, of course.” He chuckled. “I am learning more, now. And I think that I will learn for a long time. I have lot to know.”
“Yeah, I think it’s the same in any language,” I said. “But even over the last two weeks, it’s gotten a lot better.”
“Thank you. You are always very kind.” He looked over at me. “You are ready to go?”
“Yeah, sure, let’s go. Before it gets too cold out.”

Leon, Leon (BoyxNB romance) Where stories live. Discover now