Chapter 24

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It was the last day of school before a week off – Everybody was wishing the clock would tick faster, but I think that feeling was at least double as intense for me. Every minute I could, I was checking my phone, knowing fully well that Leon couldn’t reply and Milly knew just as much as me – and Mam forgets she has a phone so I could never get sense out of her – but still, I checked and checked, and then tried to read over those messages again but I felt like trying to do that while in a full class of students an extreme sport in and of itself.

I walked down the hall, reminding myself that now, it was lunchtime, let’s just buy a piece of cardboard pizza and find a teacher that doesn’t hate me to let me use their room as a place to read on my phone for an hour, then just ride English lit out. It’ll be easy, don’t worry-

Actually, never mind, Cal. Two things have just come up on the ‘Oh shit no why now’ radar. One, is that you never actually did any of that English essay. And two, Susie’s standing right in front of you. And she’s standing with the purpose of getting your attention.

“Hey, Susie,” I said, giving my best smile. “What’s... up ?”
“I’ll say this quickly, with as many direct quotes as possible, because I would not particularly like to get into this. I have been asked, and this is her exact phrasing, ‘to get that arsehole and let me speak to him proper. I can’t be arsed him coming up to the computer room once a month and thinking he can just do that, after all the shit he’s put people through.’ The message was from Kayla, if you couldn’t tell, and she is... less than pleased, with you. I don’t know if you’ve done something in particular, or if it’s just a case of she’s had too much time too think about things that have happened and wants to do something about them. Either way, she wants to talk.”
“Oh, uh, well, I really can’t be bothered with this sort of drama right now, I guess I could try to see her later or something-“
“It’s not a request, Cal,” she said. “It’s a demand. I have no doubt you have other worries right now, but she’s really riled up over this, trust me. I would go and try to sort it out now before she does any kind of damage.”
“I... so... now? She wants to see me now?”
“Yes,” she nodded. “In the computer room. We can walk up together, if you’d like. I’m not really one for picking sides, and I’ve always been just as close to you, Kayla and Cass, and I think other people’s relationships are their business unless they make it mine. And Cass said things to Kayla about what happened, but not to me, so for now, I’m just going to be a third party out of obligation. Anyway...” she rubbed her temple. “Come on. She’ll get really upset if you’re late.”

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