Chapter 31

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Due to the fact that Leon had spilt that I had a hell of a lot more homework than I said I had, my sister and mother pretty much locked me in my room until I had a solid chunk of it done. It wasn't as if I was trying to lie to them; things just overtook it in terms of priority, and it was only today that I realised that I couldn't procrastinate on it too much more.

So, with only a cup of tea and a few highlighters to aid me, I was diving into physics.

After managing to do the first couple of questions, I hit one and I was stuck. Already? You should at least be able to do the first page. I read over the questions, again and again, and shook my head, turning to the practice questions for the next topic.

I can’t do this. I can’t do any of this.

I heard a soft knock. “Hello?”
The door opened, slowly. “Good evening, Callum. I wanted to know if you want a drink. I have lemonade for you.”
I pulled out my chair. “Thanks, Leon. My tea has gone a bit cold, so that's great. Come on, sit down with me. Want to play a game? I have a pack of cards in here, somewhere.”
He sat down, gently putting the glass next to my work. “No, Callum, you need to do your science work. It is important.”
“But... I can’t, Leon. Please, I’ll do it later, but-“
“Why can you not do it?” He asked.
“Because... I’ve forgotten it all. I don’t know how to do any of this, Leon. I only learnt it a few weeks ago and I’ve already forgotten all of it.”
He budged his chair over, and pulled me gently, so I spun towards him, and pulled me in. I felt his breath against my ear, and I ran my hands through his hair. “I will help you,” he said. “Do not be worried.”
“Ok,” I said. “Thank you.”

Like it always did, the time flew as we sat together. It was hard work, no doubt, but I would take his teaching over most of my actual teachers any day. I also got him to write as many of my notes as I could – not just so my hand wouldn’t cramp as fast, but also so I could have the art that was his writing all over my books.

Yes, I did find everything this person did beautiful by now. I had completely admitted it to myself.

“So, for the next topic-“
“Leon, can’t we stop for now?” I said, sighing. “I’ve gone further than I was going to today already.”
“Yes, but if you do these things now, you do not need to do them later.” I groaned at him, and he rolled his eyes. “If you finish them, I will give you a present.”
“Yeah?” I smiled. “And what present is that?”
He looked down into his lemonade, his hair hiding his face. “You will know, if you finish it. It is a surprise, for you.”

Good enough motivation for me.

I rushed through the pages, counting down each sentence and skipping through the parts I didn’t need. I wondered if he was getting annoyed with me, but I heard him chuckle, a couple of times, and it gave me hope.

“Right, I’m done!”
“No, you have the practice questions to do,” he chuckled. “But after that, I promise that you can finish.”
“And I can get your present?”
I stared at him, trying to tell what it was going to be from his expression, but he hid his face. “Yes, you can.”
“Yaaaaay,” I laughed, feeling my cheeks going warm. From downstairs, I heard the door slam, and a voice coming from the hallway.
“You boys, I’m home! Do you want food?”
“Yes please, Mam! I’ve been working all afternoon, I’m bloody starving.”
“Alright, well come help me then. We’ve got mince to use, so meatballs or burgers?”
I looked over to him. “Burgers?” He nodded. “Totally burgers.” I coughed. “Totally burgers!” I said again, shouting loudly, an ‘Okay’ bouncing back up to me.
“We should probably go help, Mam’s usually shattered after work. Let’s go be good people, Leon, huh?”
“And you only want to be a good person? You do not want it because you do not need to do more physics?”
“Well... let’s just call it a lucky coincidence, is it?” He chuckled. “Come on, before she starts moaning too loud. Mills will probably be hungry when she comes home from work, too.”

The best things about burgers - among many, many things - were that they were done within an hour, and you could add almost any side you had left and make it work. So, in an act of clearing the cupboards of all the tins and packets we didn’t need, our dinner became burgers in hot dog buns, with cherry tomatoes, deli chicken slices and a tin of spaghetti hoops each, with Leon and I also getting a treat of an egg on the side. None of it really went together, but it wasn’t exactly bad tasting or anything. Plus, it was just nice to have a sit down meal for a while, where I could actually talk and laugh and... stuff.

“So, that’s what you’ve been up to, is it?” She grinned, after she had shooed Leon off into the living room and left me to dry the dishes. “I swear you boys are joined at the hip.”
“We’re not, Mam, we were just studying. I’m crap at science, you know that, and he was just helping.”
“Mm, that’s what I told my mam when I started bringing over my boyfriend, too.”
I felt my face go red. “Meaning...?”
“Meaning that you know me, Cal, I have no problem with the gays. Especially now they let you adopt, because I would like grandchildren, you know.”
“Wait wait wait,” I held up my hands to her. “First of all, I am not gay.” She raised her eyebrows. “I’m pretty sure I’m bisexual,” I said, quietly, afraid that Leon would hear me. As if he’d even be negative about it one bit. “And also, I am not having kids. Dogs are enough work and don’t cost nearly as much, so I think I’ll stick to them.”
“Well, you tell that to your sister. I’m expecting them off at least one of you.” I chuckled, a little, drying the plates. “Just be sure to wear condoms, alright? Anal hurts, trust me.”
I heard Leon laughing from the other room, and either something on TV had been funny at the exact same time or we were not being as quiet as we thought we were. “Don’t say that, Mam!” I said, blushing. “I’m going to go now, go do... stuff.”
“Alright, kiddo,” she said, smiling. And if she couldn’t make this any worse, she decided to shout down the hallway, “I’ll buy lube for you when I get my pay!”

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