Chapter 5

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I sat in my room, duvet around my shoulders and the TV on in the background, with some 'Best of 2000s hits' countdown on and a mug of coffee in my hands. It wasn’t exactly the hardcore revision my teachers probably wanted me to be doing, but it was fun enough to have a hum along as I tapped through minor celebrities’ Snapchat and Instagram stories.

And contemplate Leon, of course. The new enigma of the class. But I only allowed myself limited access to those thoughts.

I heard the door slam, and a tump tump tump tump of someone racing up the stairs with way too much energy than necessary (And then there was a lighter tump tump tump, or more like a tumptumpyapyaptumptump, but that was just Caramel and Cocoa, and you can’t expect them not to be bouncy. It’s in their nature.)

The door swung open. “So how’s my favourite brother doing then?”
I smiled, first at her, then the two little shin-heighted canine minions she had following her. Cocoa – the slightly smaller of the two – jumped up onto my lap, snuggling himself in the nest I had made between my crossed legs.

“Don’t say that now, Mills, just because Fred has gone doesn’t mean he’s like... wiped from existence. You’ll make him jealous. And what about that drawing of devil-me with horns and a stupid moustache you did when you were in Year 4 after I stole your chocolate buttons? I have a lot of competition.”
“Okay, firstly, they were white chocolate buttons. You know, the nectar of the Gods? That was some sibling betrayal right then. And Fred, yeah... he’s alright. Having a little too much fun now he’s got the whole university thing going on, so I think he can manage me spending a little more time on you.”
I chuckled, rubbing Cocoa with both hands, his fur having grown noticeably from the last time we had washed the both of them. “Seriously though, I’m doing ok. Not a bad day.”
“That’s good, same with me to be honest. Apart from Photography, I swear to God Josie and Mr Lakewood must be shagging. She gets perfect scores on almost all her assignments, and you can pretty much hear her pants drop the minute he says we have a test.”
“Ew, but isn’t he like, a billion years old and all wrinkly and stubbly? Surely there must be more attractive teachers, of whatever gender.”
“Yeah, he really isn’t listed very high on the hotness rating of teachers. But who knows,” she waggled her eyebrows. “Maybe he hasn’t got the name Wood for nothing.”
“Niiiice,” I said, grimacing. “That’s a lovely thought.”
She hopped onto the bed, leaning back against the wall, her legs dangling over. “Anyway. Any news with you?”
“Uh, I... not really anything big, I guess.”
“Ok, in your language that means ‘Totally something but I don’t know what my feelings are on it or how to express them.’ So just spill, and we’ll work on the whole emotions thing later.”
“Alright, well... there’s this new guy at school. He’s from Belgium, and he speaks French, but also a bit of English but not loads. And he’s been hanging out with the other guys and I guess also me because pretty much all of our lessons are the same. And he’s just... weird.”
“Weird how? Is he giving you a hard time?”
“No, not like that. He just talks strangely, and I don’t just mean it like he can’t speak English properly, but also just like... I don’t know. He seems just... different.”
“Maybe it’s just the culture barrier? They probably do a few things differently out there, like the guys kiss each other to say hello. He’s probably just trying to mesh here and there together.”
“Yeah, I’m not criticising, just like... I don’t know. He fits in but doesn’t at the same time. Like he had lunch with those guys like he’d known them for years, but then he almost seemed like the nerdy kid being bullied in English because the teacher made him read an excerpt and he couldn’t do it properly.”
“Sometimes... people aren’t one or the other, Cal. Popular or not. Hot or ugly. Smart or dumb. Sometimes we can be both, in different ways, or pretend to be one when we’re really the other, for whatever reason. Maybe’s he’s just that, you know? Moving to a new country can’t be easy. He’s probably just trying to figure it all out, be friends with everyone until he knows what’s going on.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s just... weird. The whole thing is.”
“Of course, it’s change for you too. Just promise me something?”
“Don’t be a dick to him, alright? Or anyone. Unless they’re a dick first, then you have every right. But... yeah. Just be decent.”
“Of course I am, Mills. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Not you, just... everyone. It’s easier to follow along and push people down than to be the one to help them up. But it’s something you have to do.”
“Such words of advice, Master Milly,” I bowed, arms clasped together. She rolled her eyes. “But yeah, genuinely, thanks. I think I’ll just... keep going for now. See how everything goes, right?”
“Yeah, that’s the best way. Just keep sailing.”

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