Chapter 21

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“Hey, Leon. This is Milly, my sister. And we’re just gonna... talk about some things, ok? Like I said we would. Plus, we’ve also got pizza.”

He had managed to get the dogs off him and sit upright, his back straight, though his legs and neck were bent a little. I could see how my pyjama top hung on him, now – as in, it barely did at all. He must’ve lost weight in the few weeks we had been off, as well as the fact that I myself had been much larger when I used to properly wear that t-shirt. I wasn’t skinny now, sure, but back then I used to eat a lot, as an emotional thing, you know? Sweets were there, and they made me feel better, for a little while.

“It’s good to meet you, Leon,” she smiled, sitting in the large armchair opposite. I felt his hand reach over to grab mine under the blanket he had over his lap, but I wasn’t sure I was ready to show my sister our little-more-than-normal physical affection thing. I was afraid she’d find it weird – to be honest, it caught me off-guard every time he did it – but instead, he just rested it by my leg. I gently grabbed his wrist, and put it on my knee, to show that I was much more self-conscious than heartless.

“It is good to meet you also, Milly,” he smiled. “I... I thank you for your house. It is very warm, and comfortable.”
“Aw, thanks. I try to keep it tidy and stuff, since Mam’s away a lot, but Cal told me you live in one of the big houses down the hill, right? Surely it can’t compare.”
He shook his head. “The majority of the house is empty,” he said. “A lot of rooms have only boxes within. I like my room, but not the other parts, really.”
“How come? I guess it’s a big house, though, right? Probably takes ages to do it all if you’re renovating the whole place. Why did you move?”
“My mother, she – she did not like Belgium. Ah, I mean to say, she started to not like it after my father was gone. It was very... full of memory, of him, for her. She chose to use the money that he left to move away from there.”
“Oh, I see. Well you know, we don’t mind about that – our father’s not really in our lives either, he turned into a bit of an asshole after Mam and him split up. Do you think you’ll see him again soon?”
“Oh no, ah, he is not alive,” he said, quietly. “But I hope that he can see me. And that... he has pride, for me. It is the reason that I want to study, a lot. To help my mother, and to keep... that pride, in him.”
“That’s really sweet, Leon,” she said, quietly, taking a slice of pizza. “And so genuine. I’m sure he is proud of you now. I can tell you’re really strong, just by talking to you. So, if... is it your mother who hurt you?”
I felt him squeeze my leg, tightly. “No, it is my brother,” he said. “My older brother. His name is Baptiste.”
“And... is it always this bad?”
“No, but... he was very angry. He has problems, with his anger, at other times, but his friends lied to him. He gave to them money for something, and they did not give it.”
“But your mother didn’t try to stop it?”
“No, but... please do not be mean to her. I understand she seems like a bad person, but she has problems, too, with sadness, and she does not have energy or, um... a desire, for things, you understand? She usually takes medicines, for the sadness, and she is better, but my brother took them. Therefore, she sleeps, a lot. It is difficult for her to... stop my brother. She is scared of him, too, although I know that he will never hurt her.”
“Right, ok. Is your brother getting... therapy, or anything like that?” He shook his head. “Could you talk to his friends, see if you could convince him to get help?”
“They are... not good people. They are the people that tell him to take the drugs, and drink, and they... do not like us.”
“Um... Arab people. Muslims.”
“Oh, right. Cal told me you might be a Muslim, but I wasn’t sure – good thing we did the plain pizza, now, though. I don’t know how you can do it, I love bacon way too much.”
“Ah, it is alright. I do not... say to many people, about my belief. You are the first English people I told. It is... difficult, to say, for me.”
“Because... my mother is scared. She does not wear hijab, now, because she thinks that people believe that she is a bad person. A lot of people do not like Muslims, I know that, so I understand her.”
“You just want... people to like you, right?” I said, quietly. “It is ok, I understand."
"But at the same time, don’t lie to us,” she replied, more strongly. “I’m not trying to be a dick, or anything, but I hate people messing me about. Plus, there’s no need to, with us. I’m super chill, and I think Callum would probably marry you if you asked him nice enough.” I looked over at her, my cheeks red with embarrassment and I don’t even know what, and she rolled her eyes and gave me another weird look. “It’s just a joke, Cal. We also don’t take stuff seriously, a lot of the time. Or at least I don’t. It’s more fun to have a laugh and a joke about stuff than being boring about everything, right?”
“Ah, yes, I understand. I think you are very nice people,” he smiled. “I do not know how to describe it, but you are like... suns. Your house feels like one, too. It is bright and warm and it is like... I feel very happy, even though I hurt. Thank you, Milly, and Callum. I know I am probably a problem for you now, and I am grateful for your help.”
“You’re super welcome, Leon,” she said.
“And you’re not a problem, not at all,” I added in, quickly, not even looking at my sister out of fear of of the look she was giving me. “We’re happy we could help, right?”
“Yeah, of course,” she chuckled. “I don’t mean to be a downer, by still talking about this, but have you any idea what you’re going to do? Like, do you even have food and electricity in your house?”
“We have electricity until the end of the month, but there is little food. Mamãe has not gone to her work for a few weeks, so we have little money.” I felt his hand again, and felt him flinch as I rested my pinky over his. It’ll be ok, I thought. We’ll work something out. Please don’t worry, Leon. I promise it’ll all work out in the end.
“Al... alright. We’ll talk more about it in the morning, okay? I might... have to get other people involved, I’m telling you that now, but for now, I can tell you’re tired. Do you want the last piece of pizza?”
“Um...” he paused, and then looked over to me. “You want to share?”
“Oh, yeah, of course.” I ripped the corner off the slice, so it was split in half sideways. “Which bit?”

He took the crusty one off my hands, and began to nibble it. “I will sleep here?” He asked. “On the sofa?”
“No, of course not,” I chuckled. “You can have my bed.”
His eyebrows furrowed. “But... I am the problem-“
“You’re not a problem, you’re a guest,” I said. “And you can claim my room for tonight, don’t worry. I’ll take the sofa.”
“You are sure...?”
“Yeah, yeah, don’t worry. I can sleep like a log just about anywhere, so if it’s good enough for you, I’m sure I’ll manage. Besides, you’re the one who needs rest the most, now.”
“Ok,” he said, smiling. “Thank you very much, monsieur.”
“You are very welcome, my good sir. Now, shall I accompany you to your room for tonight?”

He got up off the sofa, slowly, and the smile he gave made my insides go gooey. God, I was such a sucker for the things he did. “I will like that,” He said. “Very much.”

Leon, Leon (BoyxNB romance) Where stories live. Discover now