Chapter 32

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“You had an interesting conversation with your mother earlier.”
“Yeah, Mam can be a bit... wild. Doesn’t really know how far to take a joke or anything. Sorry if like... she weirded you out.”
He shook his head. “I think that she is funny. All of your family is very kind.”
“Yeah, they are.” I smiled. “Hey, talking of family, I talked to Milly earlier. While you were in the mosque.”
“Ok. What did you talk about?”
“I, uh... I asked her about you. Not you, I just mean the way you were feeling. About being a girl and a boy. I didn't mention that it was about you, though, so don't worry. It's just... since she does psychology, I thought she would know about it, and she did, she said, like... it’s not bad. It’s a real thing, called, um... nonbinary, I think. But it means people who don’t want to be completely guy or girl, and like, there are a lot of people who think like this, okay ? So there’s nothing wrong. I promise.”
He sat on the bed, next to me, and leant his head on my shoulder. “Thank you,” he said. “Thank you for asking her. Thank you for helping me.” He wrapped his arms around my waist. “I am so happy, Callum. Because you are here. I do not say my feelings well, but I try, for you.”
“It’s okay, Leon, don’t worry about it-“
“No, it is a difficult thing,” he said. “For me. I do not like my body, sometimes, and it is... hard, to think of myself like a good person. You say that I am beautiful, and intelligent, and it is hard to believe. But you always make me feel better. Always.”
“Well, you are all of those things. I promise.”

There was silence, for a minute. “Do you want to do something?”
“Well, I think I’d like to find out what this present you were promising me is all about.”
“But you did not finish the work!” He said, and I stuck out my bottom lip. He chuckled, removing his head from my shoulder and looking down, playing with his thumbs. “I do not know if you will want it. I am a little part scared.”
“Don’t be, Leon. Whatever it is, I’m sure I’ll like it,” I whispered as he got closer to our face, until our noses were almost touching. “Okay?”
I heard him mumble something, but before I could put the sounds to mean something in my head, our lips were touching. A tingle went through my lips and shot up my spine, and I wanted to go more intensely, but I didn’t dare to do anything further than he was comfortable with – I didn’t want to break the trust between us now. So I just let the feeling envelope me, gently putting my hands on his neck, and wished he would never pull away.

But he did, of course, eventually. What a shame.
“So, um... yeah,” he said, quietly, still only a couple of centimetres from my face.
“You’re stupid,” I said, smiling.
I saw his face fell.
“Why ? What did-“
“For thinking I wouldn’t want to kiss you.”
I put my cheeks on his face, and they were red hot. “Oh.”
“Yeah,” I smiled, pressing our foreheads together. “But I’m glad you got the courage.” Hold on. Didn’t he...
“Me too. I am also glad.”
“So...” I bit my lip, and I saw him look down at it. I generally did it out of nervousness, but I licked over it anyway, just because I could now without worrying about his reaction. “About that boy you liked...”
“I am afraid he did not realise my feelings,” he said. “But I am happy now, because I know that he feels them, also. I am very lucky to have him, and I also think that he looks attractive today in particular because he is wearing a t-shirt that is blue, like his eyes, and his hair is very soft.”
“Well... I feel like I’ll have to make it up to you for being so unobservant,” I chuckled. “But... I’m really happy you think I’m not ugly. I don’t know how, but you make me feel...”
I felt his breath on my ear. “I make you feel what?”
I shook my head, and he laughed, gently. “Do you want to go for a walk with me, tomorrow? Since... it’s your birthday, and I haven’t got you anything, and I’m sorry for that, but I love the sea, and I thought it would be nice to show you somewhere new, at least.”
“I would... like that very much, Callum,” he looked into my eyes. “I would love to see the sea with you. Will we be... alone?”
“Well, I think we’ll have to take the dogs, so Mills and Mam aren’t too hot on our trail, but... yeah, apart from that, it’ll just be us.”
“Good,” he said, kissing me again, gently. “Tomorrow will be a good day.”

Leon, Leon (BoyxNB romance) Where stories live. Discover now