•• Chapter 58 ••

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Keith POV

I sighed in exhaustion since I had been carrying boxes of supplies before distributing it. I was really glad that Ryan decided to replenish the safe house before the war started. This way, we didn't have to starve while waiting for the conflict to end. But even if we were completely safe, everyone was uneasy. It was understandable, how could they smile and laugh when their loved one was outside fighting? We had been in here for almost two days. If only it could end soon.

"Ryan, I miss you..." I sighed yet again before plastering a smile on my face hoping it would cheer some people up and went to distribute the last of today rations to the people.

With the box, I went to see Lilly and her mother, "Here you go," I gave them their part with a smile.

"Thank you, Keith," she smiled back after taking their food.

Even if she didn't want to show it for Lilly sake, I could see that she was worried about her mate. For now, we could only pray that everyone would safely come back. After feeding everyone, I went to put the box back into the storage room. Suddenly, a loud and deafening sound could be heard throughout the shelter. I let go of the box and ran back to everyone.

"Please keep quiet everyone!" I shushed as I went to grab my bow and sword. I really hoped that it wasn't the enemy. Even if I was well trained, I couldn't fight all of them. I really didn't want to live back the whole kidnapping/coma episode. "Everyone stays here, I'm going to see who it is."

I jumped into the air and went for the small opening we used to get in. I took a deep breath and readied my sword as I slowly lifted the trapdoor up. I looked around and when I saw no feet, I rapidly, but silently jumped out and closed the door behind me. I assessed my surrounding and frowned when I saw no enemy nor did I hear anything except for the constant banging. Why would anyone keep thumping at the door? Unless...

I crawled toward the edge of the roof and looked down. There was a single man hitting the door. I looked at my surroundings and listened to the whispers in the wind. Nothing, that man was alone. Taking a deep breath of courage, I jumped behind the man before slowly sliding my sword toward his neck.

"What are you doing here? Depending on your answer, your life may come to an end," I warned as I tightened the distance between my blade and his neck to put more emphasis on my statement.

"P-please wait a moment Keith Vanburen! I am a messenger that was sent by King Sebastian to inform you that the war has ended!" he rushed to say making me drop my sword to the ground.

"W-We won?" I ask incredulously as the man turned with a big grin on his face.

"Yes! We won! They are all coming back to the Kingdom now! Apparently, King Ryan even captured the enemy leader!" 

Without even realizing it, I went to hug the other man. I can't believe that we really won! Ryan was coming back today! I let go of the man before jumping in the air and went to tell everyone.

"Everyone comes out! It's time to go home! We won the war!" I shouted as I heard many people footsteps before they started flying out of the safe house.

Together we flew back to our homes. It only took us two hours since everyone didn't want to stop until they reached the city. I could understand their excitement since I wanted to see my mate and family too. Talking about family, I didn't see Angela for a while now. I hoped she was okay since she volunteered to go fight.

Soon, we reached the city and I was surprised to see that people that went to fight were also just arriving. I could hear names being shouted as people rushed past me to either join their family or mate. When I landed and looked around, I couldn't see any familiar faces. I sighed as I watched everyone smile as they were finally reunited. Then I heard a child cry. I turned my head to see where it was coming from and witnessed a heartbreaking scene. The little girl was crying in her mother's arm while screaming that she wanted to see her dad. Nothing could calm her down. Even if her mother tried to tell her that he was looking over her from the stars, I could see the tears in the woman's eyes. Her mate died during the war... My heart painfully clenched at the thought of it. Losing a mate was like losing a part of yourself. I have to tell Ryan about it or she might succumb to depression before dying. Losing her dad was enough, I will not let live without her mother too.

I have to tell Ryan. Where was he? Everyone was back, so why didn't he? The messenger said he was the one that caught the Prince. So why wasn't he here? Was he injured during the fight? It couldn't be! He promised to come back. He had to come back!

"Keith!" shouted someone making me look up.

When I saw who it was, my heart stopped beating. He was here. They were all here. My mom, my sister, my best friend, Zack and my mate. They all came back alive. Without even fighting it, I started crying as I ran toward them. Then I jumped into my mate arms.

"You are back! You are all back!" I sobbed out loud as I cried my heart out to my mate chest. "I thought... I thought something happened to you... When I didn't see you."

"It has finally ended Keith. Let's go home," Ryan gently said as he slowly rubbed my back.

"Yes, let's go home, together!"

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