•• Chapter 25 ••

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My sister, my mom, and Sebastian were all gaping when they first laid eyes upon the treehouse. They stood still mouth open for at least two minutes before turning to us in order to hug us. Angela couldn't stand still until they actually went to visit the house, mom didn't stop saying to my mate that he didn't need to or this was too much and Sebastian wanted to be as glad and thankful as both my sister and mom was, but his ego came into his way and only shook Ryan's hand. To be honest, they adapted very well to this new environment and Sebastian didn't seem to miss his family, but yet I could be wrong. And it wasn't as if he could go and visit them as he wanted now since we were branded as enemies of the Kingdom.

After leaving the house a few hours later, Ryan and I were now walking back to the crowded area of the city. As promised, my mate showed me around the main city of his Kingdom. People were so friendly and none of them made allusion of my missing wings. It was kind of nice to finally have people not staring at my back.

"Where are we going now?" I asked excitedly to discover other places where my mate grew.

"You'll see." he answered making me pout and he gently kissed my lips. I blushed hard as I noticed some people watching us with small smiles.

As we walked, incredible smells invaded my nose. Food. I looked in front of me excitedly as I started to see some stands. Then it clicked and I turned around to see my mate watching me closely.

"Is it a market?!" I asked even if I already knew the answer.

"It is indeed a market, it's the hotspot of all the city. Everyone come here at least twice a day to either buy food or tools or objects they need." he explained as we started to walk by the first stands showing some fresh fruits, jewelry, roasted meat...

"But who's hunting? And what if someone doesn't have enough money to buy food?" I asked confused since back at the Prince Kingdom, only the hunters could hunt and then we shared the food at the common hall.

"Everyone here has a specific job they chose when they crossed the age of 18, but before that they will be studying history and then take on-the-job-training on different professions to see what they like. There is no limitation." Then he looked around as if searching for something as he took my hand and pulled me near a small group of teenagers. "See, the kids here are now looking for something that catches their eyes first then apply."

"So, anyone could become a knight? A hunter?" I asked not really believing my ears, but he nodded.

"With some training of course, but yes." he looked into my eyes and I thought he saw confusion here because he added, "Even you can become a knight if you want, I'll train you."

"Really?! Thank you so much Ryan!" I jumped and hugged him before putting a trail of kisses on his face. Then I realized we were in public and we had quite the audience, so I stopped and hid my reddening face under my hands.

"Don't be embarrassed, that was so cute!" a woman exclaimed as she walked by with a basket full of vegetables, fruits, and meat.

This only made me blush more, but everyone was smiling or chuckling before continuing what they were doing their smile never fading.

"Are you hungry?" asked my mate as he took one of my hand before starting walking again.

"Yes, I'm quite famished, to be honest." I answered with a shy smile when my belly affirmed my answer.

"Good, because I know just the place." he answered with a warming smile before taking my hand.

We walked for another ten minutes before arriving at a stand ruled by an older woman. She was doing everything herself at an incredibly fast speed. She gave the customers their orders in less than twenty minutes even when some of them ordered some sounding complicated food name.

"What would you like?" asked my mate when it was nearly our turn.

"I don't know..." I answered as I looked at the menu written on a board. "What are you taking?" I looked at my mate.

"Some elk and potatoes."

When it was our turn, I still didn't know what I wanted.

"Look who's here." greeted joyfully the woman.

"It's nice to see you, Rose. How are you and your family?"

"They are good, but are they lazy! Look no one wanted to come and help this poor woman at the rush hours." she half joked. "And I suppose that's your mate?" she looked at all smile.

Since my mate didn't answer I assumed he wanted me to answer.

"Yes, my name is Keith Vanburen. Nice to meet you." I greeted giving her back a smile.

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Rose Silva. So, what can I get both of you?" she clasped her hands.

"I'm going to take the elk with potatoes." answered Ryan and Rose turned to me waiting for my order.

"Can you chose for me?" I asked shyly to my mate after a while still not knowing what I wanted.

"Of course, Love." he gently rubbed my back as I flicked, but luckily he didn't seem to notice. "Do you have any specials today?" my mate asked Rose who was already cooking the meat over the fire.

"There's some fresh red drums that just came in."

"Good, we will take that too." Ryan agreed, but red drums? What was that?

"Ryan?" I called his name to get his attention. "What's a red drum?"

"It's a fish, it's very good and it's fresh."

"Ummm..." I hesitated not knowing if I should say it.

"What's wrong?" he asked now worried.

"I never had fish before, only meat." I explained my voice only loud enough for him to hear.

"Do you want to try it and if you don't like it we can switch?" he proposed and I quickly nodded.

"But you like fish right?" I asked still feeling bad about stealing his dinner.

"As much as I love meat."

We didn't have to wait long before Rose gave us our meal. It smelled delicious!

We both thanked her and my mate took out a few silver coins before giving it to her.

We looked for a table and went to sit.

To be honest, I never thought a King would mingle so much with the commoners. However, I liked it better. It was as if we were a big family.

Ryan started to eat his steak as I eyed the fish a bit longer. I wondered how it tasted. I took a white piece of fish before smelling it. Then I put it into my mouth, munched and swallowed.

"You like?" Ryan asked as if ready to change plates if I said no.

"It's good!" I said happily before taking a larger piece of fish.

"How come you never had fish since you lived near the ocean?" asked my mate before he took a bit into a piece of his elk.

"I was told the King didn't like fish since it was a meat for the weak or so he said." I muttered as I looked at the delicious piece of fish.

We finished our meal and we walked back home hand in hand. It was a perfect date, I was in heaven until I was awakened by the excruciating pain on my back.

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