•• Chapter 4 ••

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Dawn came way too soon. I was already seeing the elite coming my way and my heart started to pound faster and harder. My breathing accelerated and my vision darkened. My wings instinctively wrapped around me as if protecting me and telling me everything was going to be okay. I never thought I would ever lose my wings, especially not in that way.

It seemed they noticed that I was on the roof because I heard footsteps behind me. I didn't dare to turn around and stayed like I was, in a little ball with my wings protecting me. Someone coughed a few times, making me turn around. It was the Prince!

I quickly turned around, bowed and apologized for my rudeness. He nodded and put his hand on my shoulder.

"You must be scared and suffering from the thought of losing your wings, your most precious thing. I'm so sorry Keith, I wish I could change the law, but..." silence filled the atmosphere. "If only we found Daniel Vanburen nothing of this would have happened."

"Thank you, your Highness, for your concern... But I'm afraid that doesn't change anything..." I said sadly.

"Well..." he hesitated. "For your case, since it wasn't you that committed the crime, there's a way to win back your wings." he explained.

"How!?" I exclaimed very very interested.

"When Daniel Vanburen will be found and his punishment given, you'll be able to have your wings back."

"If he's found..." my hope suddenly fly away. If the elite didn't find him this time, how the hell would they find him in the future?

He didn't comment on what I said, so I supposed he didn't have that much hope either. I sighed, now more depressed than I already was. I looked at the sun slowly coming out, illuminating our lands, but not my heart.

"It's time." announced a guard landing next to me.

I nodded and got up, following him. This would really be the last time I would be flying. I looked around the place and saw a stage in front of the communal house. Great, it would be a public punishment...

On the stage, there was nothing else than a table with a bottle and a glass on it. We waited until people started to wake up and soon enough a large crowd was around us. I was so nervous, if only I didn't propose myself to take all the traitor responsibility. If only I didn't...

"Thank you to have all gathered this early in the morning, but I have a truly sad news to announce you. Two days ago, my Father, the King had been attacked by Daniel Vanburen." there was gasps and mumblings all over the crowd. "The King is still breathing, but his health status is still uncertain. That's why I'll be replacing him until further news. However, this isn't the sole reason why you were summoned. As you all know Daniel Vanburen has to be punished with the ultimate punishment, death. However, the man is nowhere to be found and his son... Keith Vanburen accepted to take all responsibility." There was a pause and everyone attention was on me, making me more uncomfortable. Then I saw Sebastian, his face showed horror and concern in his eyes. I tried to smile to comfort him a bit, but I didn't manage to and I made a grimace instead. "Keith Vanburen wasn't an accomplice or the one breaking the law, so only his wings will be taken, in the less painful way possible and when the real culprit will be found, his wings will be returned." he turned around to open the bottle and filled the glass with a transparent substance.

He walked toward me and gave me the glass. I took it and looked at it a very long time before doing the same, but to the crowd. People was pitying me, their eyes told all. Mom and Angela were both crying and Sebastian was nowhere to be found...

Slowly, I approached the glass and the liquid to my lips. Taking a deep breath, I drank everything in a gulp. At first, I didn't feel anything then I felt a burning sensation spreading to every part of me, but the most unbearable was my back. It felt as if, someone pushed and folded my wings into my back. I crumbled on the floor, gasping for air.

I could feel sweat slide on my forehead and my body trembling uncontrollably. I curled into a ball, hoping to make the pain disappear, which wasn't the case. I didn't know how many minutes, or hours or days passed, but the pain didn't seem to want to subside.

Suddenly like magic, there was no more pain, no more burning sensation. So, I slowly stood up, losing my balance, but when I waited for the floor to hit me, nothing came. I looked up and Sebastian was there holding me. He helped me to stand up and I felt so... Light.

I tried to look at my back and there was nothing. Absolutely nothing, I felt naked. Then I looked at the crowd who didn't move an inch. People looked at me as if I had two heads.

"Do I look so different without wings?" I asked to no in particular.

Immediately after my question, people started to argue. I heard some saying I shouldn't be admitted here anymore. That I didn't one of them anymore since I didn't have wings and others argued saying that it wasn't my fault. I just obeyed the laws and everyone else in my place would have done the same. People were so in discord that it was chaos, even the Prince had difficulty to calm them down.

And for me, I was so absorbed into their arguments that I was only hearing the bad ones. I wasn't wanted, I wasn't like them, I had no wings anymore. I was a monster, a monstrous creature with no wings.

Someone touched my shoulder, scared I turned around and saw Sebastian. I didn't really heard what he was saying, but earlier, I saw his expression filled with horror and when he disappeared. I betted he was really disgusted, he didn't want to be my friend anymore and was telling me to disappear since I was a monster... A monster... A DISGUSTING MONSTER!!!

"STOP!!!!" I shouted as I ran into the forest as fast as I could. It would be better if I disappeared, everyone would be happier without someone like... Without a monster!

However, before I could go far, Sebastian caught me into his arms and flew high into the sky. Scared to fall, I hold his arms for dear life.

"Put me down! Put me down!!" I shouted scared.

After an eternal moment, he did finally put me down, but only at a few hundred meters from the ground. Scared to death, I hugged as tightly as possible the trunk of the tree.

"WHERE DID YOU TAKE ME?!? AND WHY AT 1 000 000 METERS FROM THE GROUND?!?" I shouted my eyes closed.

"If you open your eyes for a second, you'll actually see where we are." he said seriously without any amusement in his tone. Slowly, but surely, I did. I saw the usual and breathtaking view. It wasn't a sunset, but it was enough to calm me enough to listen to him. "I knew what you were thinking, but don't let the stupid things they said into your mind. The Prince and I think you were very brave to sacrifice your wings for the family. Don't worry, I promise I'll find your father and give back your wings."

"Even if you say that... There's still people who don't want me back. You won't be able to protect me forever. But thank you, you made me realize that I wasn't alone, I have you and my family."

'So you'll stay?" he asked hopeful.

"No, I'll explore our Kingdom. That way, I may have a chance to get revenge and have my wings back. I know it'll be difficult without my wings, but I prefer that than wait and do nothing."

"Then let me go with you!" he added more and more desperate.

"It's not your fight..." I started, but then saw his pleading eyes. "Okay, fine." I concede. "But! You have to take me down and take me back to my house first!"

He laughed and he took me into his arms bridal style, but he added an unnecessary comment that made me gave him a bitch slap.

"Did you gain weight? You're heavier than the time with wings..." he admitted.

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