•• Chapter 54 ••

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Ryan POV

I watched the Prince's men giving insure glances to each other's. I wanted them to doubt their leader. Unfortunately, I learned by experience that if your men didn't respect you for who you really are they will start to doubt you. Hopefully, Zack was there commanding the troops with me, so we could rapidly get back together without too many damages.

I just needed to push a little further. I needed to prove that their leader wasn't fighting for his people, but for his benefits. The Prince needed to be hated even through the eyes of his allies.

Whispers started to become murmurs. Of course, the Prince heard it and swung his sword in front of him, "Whoever even think to join arms with the enemy will be executed!"

"Is that how you want to be treated? Even as a King, he needs to learn respect! Why are you listening to him? He is one man, you're a hundred."

"Don't you dare to lower your weapons," he spat to one of his men, but the latter did anyway and the Prince's sword plunged into the man's body. Gasps echoed through the forest as the now lifeless body heavily fell in the grassy ground with blood pooling out. What a stupid move, I was truly wondering how he went this far without a rebellion. "This is my last warning. Stick to the plan!"

They had a plan? It must be damn good because I didn't see any except chaos. Still, I won't underestimate him. I observed my surroundings. We were outnumbering them in number and we had the Moon Dragons. What in the hell could save them?

I played different scenarios in my mind, but couldn't find any that would lead them to victory...


If every warrior were fighting here, there was almost no one protecting the main city. This must be it, they were so small in numbers...

Why would they do that? They wouldn't gain anything from it, except if his goal was Keith. He planned to kidnap him right under my nose.

"Warriors, attention!" I shouted and all my men looked at me. "You are to go back to the city as soon as possible to protect it! Protect the citizens! Go!"

They all elevated into the sky before rapidly flying off. There were only the enemies and me now.

"Ennur, fire!" I shouted as I took off into the sky myself. I needed to warn the generals.

My dragon breathed fire on the enemy. I couldn't care less about them right now. They didn't pledge allegiance to me, so they were still enemies. Right now, my people were my top priority, along with Keith.

Please, be safe.

Sebastian POV

Keith was sitting in front of me as he was helping me with paperwork. To be honest, his help was really appreciated because Zack had to left this morning because an emergency called him. But, it was getting harder to concentrate since Keith's pen didn't stop pushing on that delectable and plump lips.

Somehow I managed to keep my feelings away from him or he was oblivious to it. It didn't matter because I knew my friend wouldn't have been able to take it. He wouldn't understand.

His heart belonged to Ryan and it was a bittersweet feeling when they met on that fortunate night. I was happy that my friend found a caring and loving mate. It took some time, but now, he had my approval in that regard, but... I also felt betrayed since it wasn't me.

Why wasn't it me?

He must have felt my gaze on him since he lifted his gaze from the papers to me.

"What's wrong?" he asked as a crease formed on his forehead.

"Nothing," I smiled, "How are you feeling? It has been a few hours, you should rest?"

He shook his head, "I don't feel dizzy or anything and it has been a long time since we both spent some time alone."

My heart melted. Indeed, it had been too long, but it wasn't me who he needed the most. It was Ryan. I could see it in his eyes.

"We should have a race soon."

Keith groaned, "You just want to show off... I will ask Ryan to race in my stead..." he pouted before worry clouded his beautiful eyes.

"Don't worry he will be back safe. Messengers came back hours ago and most of them are telling that they are winning. Apparently, the Prince doesn't know anything about war."

"Really?" he asked with hope.

I was about to answer, but the office door slammed open. A man rushed inside still exhausted from his long flight.

"My King! There is an army of enemies coming our way!"

"Go get Zack immediately!" I hurried as the man nodded and left as fast as he arrived.

"We can protect ourselves right?" Keith asked making me bite my nails.

Calm down, I needed to think clearly and rationally. Most of the well-trained warriors weren't here. Even the Moon Dragons... Only a few were left. They all left for war. The men and women left weren't nearly enough and the majority of them were elders and children.

"Keith, you go gather the elders and children or anyone that isn't able to fight. Bring them in the safe house and all of you stay inside."

"But I can fight!"

"Yes, that's why you need to protect them on your way there and... And I promised Ryan that I'll protect you," he was about to argue so I lifted my hand up, "No. My decision is final and the citizens come first. Bring Lena with you and protect them, Keith."

He nodded, "Be careful," he whispered before running away.

Ryan gave me the responsibility to protect his people. I will definitely not disappoint him.

A few minutes later Zack came in, "You're here, perfect. I hope your commanding skills are still as sharp as ever Commander."

Zack looked confused for a second, but he soon gave me a confident smirk. "Of course."

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