•• Chapter 33 ••

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I was in Ryan's strong arms as we went to mom's house. We got carried around a little too much and now we were late. Angela would not be too happy about it, I might get scolded, but if I show them my growing wings, they might forget about it!

Humming at the idea, Ryan looked down and gave me a smile.

Soon, my mate landed in front of the front door and knocked as I impatiently waited for someone to open the door.

When Sebastian did, I had to control myself and not attacking him by showing my wings. So, I just smiled widely and started humming.

"Hey, we were waiting for you guys, come on in!" greeted Sebastian as he stepped aside.

As we walked in the building, Angela was helping mother to arrange the table.

"They are here," announced Sebastian with a smile as Angela came to pinch my cheek.

"You're late!" she accused still holding at my cheek.

"I'm sowy, but it waz Zyan's fault," I tried to talk as she finally let go.

She sighed, "I don't even want to know what made you two late," she said while walking away.

I rubbed my cheek pouting as it painfully throbbed.

"Hello, honey. How are you?" came and greeted mom as she rubbed her hand on her apron.

"I'm very good and you?" I asked as I gave her a hug.

"I'm fine dear, I'm so glad that Ryan and you could come," she smiled and she went to pat my mate's arm. "Let's sit, food is ready."

"Hello, Mrs. Vanburen, I hope you'll accept this gift as an apology of our tardiness," he apologized as he handed her a bottle of wine and walked toward the table.

Where he got that I didn't know. I didn't even saw him hold it during our trip here.

"You didn't need to, after all, you did for us, but thank you," she thanked with a warm smile. She looked at te bottle and gasped. "Oh my, where did you find this bottle?"

Curious, I approached and took a peek on the bottle from behind her back. Chateau Lafite XX87. What did that even mean?

"My father bought it before passing away. He wanted to drink it on a special occasion," my mate explained as he sat down next to me.

"I'm sorry Ryan for your father. I would have loved to meet him."

"Thank you, I'm sure he would have loved you." smiled my mate.

"So, what's the special occasion?" asked mom confused. "Don't tell me..." she looked at me with wide eyes.

"You're pregnant?" asked everyone except my mate at the same time.

My jaw opened on its own as I blushed hard. Why would she think I was pregnant? Did I gain weight?

"I'm not pregnant!" I exclaimed still blushing. "And how can I be? I'm a guy!"

"Oh dear, Ryan you didn't tell him?" mom asked my mate as he shook his head.

"Tell me what?"

"Once mated male or female can get pregnant. Of course being a male would be much harder, but it's not impossible," explained Sebastian with a smirk.

"Then Ryan too?" I eyed my mate as he smirked.

"I could, but..." he went near my ear, "I'm not the one being fucked in the ass."

I blushed hard and hid my face in my hands. When I looked up, Sebastian was still smirking, Angela still watching me and mom... Well, she looked disappointed.

"A-Anyways, I still didn't tell you the good news," I finally said as everyone started eating, but stopped as soon as I said that. "I have my wings back!"

They all looked at me then at Ryan not sure if I was joking. Well, I couldn't blame them, they couldn't see it since I didn't wear a shirt that let the wings go through.

Since they didn't seem convinced, I stood up and took my shirt off and turned around showing them the little pair of wings still growing.

Everyone gasped as soon as they saw it. Soon after, I could hear someone sobbing, so I turned around. Mom was crying with a smile, Angela and Sebastian disappeared.

I slightly jumped and moaned when someone touched my wings. They were still growing so they were extremely sensitive. I blushed again as I looked behind me. My sister and best friend had the biggest smile I ever saw on them.

"How?" finally asked mom.

"My twin brother, Zack is a doctor. He found out an antidote to the potion Keith drank to make his wings disappear." explained my mate leaving out some details, but I was glad he did.

"I'm so happy for you brother, I knew it was difficult to let your wings go since you love flying so much. I should have proposed myself instead... I'm the oldest after all... I have been feeling so guilty after that, please forgive me..." admitted my sister surprising me.

In my eyes, she was the strong and perfect sister. Without her, our family wouldn't have been this successful.

"I never blamed you, in fact, I'm glad I lost my wings in your place. You were the pride of our family, if we were to lose you, I don't know what we would have done. So cheer up okay?" I explained more or less awkwardly since she never told me things like that.

After a while, everyone calmed down and went to sit down in their seats and went back eating. We chatted about everything and anything while sipping on that delicious wine my mate brought here.

"Talking about the past, I was wondering if you're interested to see Keith when he was younger?" asked my sister to Ryan making me blush again.

"Don't you dare!" Sebastian and I complained about no success.

"I would love to," he smiled as mom took out a picture album.

Since Sebastian and I were childhood friends, we were together in almost every picture. There was even one with both of us playing naked in a lake!

I blushed when Ryan looked at one of the pictures of a younger me sitting on that tree while watching the sunset.

"Gorgeous..." mumbled Ryan.

"Here take it," said my mother while taking the picture out only to show another copy of it under the other.

"Thank you, I'm going to frame it and put it in my office."

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