•• Chapter 40 ••

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(@ ̄ρ ̄@)

Satiated for now I sighed as Ryan laid down beside me. We had been mating none stop since yesterday. I could tell that my heat was affecting his mind too. We had been doing it like bunnies. It seemed like my heat would stay for more or less a week. It didn't really bother me since I could spend all week with Ryan, but... Everyone was working so hard because of the war and me...

"Stop thinking about that, it's not your fault," my mate mentioned as he leaned his hand in his hand.

"My heat came on the worst time possible..." I muttered.

"We can't help it and..." he raised an eyebrow, "Use this break to rest your mind and your body."

"Fine, but how am I supposed to do that with you breaking my hips every few hour?" I muttered as I turned to my side so I was facing him.

He chuckled, "Say the one who has been begging me to do so."

I blushed remembering what happened the last hour. 


To read the full chapter, go to Tapas. All mature scenes will be there.
Same username and story name.

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