•• Chapter 17 ••

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The next morning, Helena was already ready to depart when my mate and I just woke up. To be honest, it was more than embarrassing to know that she knew everything about last night. She even gave me a knowing look! No words were needed, everything was in her gaze. At first, I was too shy to ask, so I waited until breakfast to ask when Ryan was away hunting.

"So, ummm. D-do you have a mate?" I shyly asked Helena who was tending to the fire.

"Yes, I do." she smiled, I supposed she was thinking about him... or her. Who knows?

"What's his name? How is he like?"

"Andrew, his name is Andrew and he's perfect..." she said dreamily. "He has short chocolate brown eyes and hair, but in front, it's way longer, but in a quiff going to the back from one side to the other diagonally who stop at his ear. He has a small Hollywoodian beard. He is also a bit toned and muscular." she continued to describe her mate while being lost in her thoughts, she didn't even notice Ryan coming back. He was smirking at her while shaking his head as he started to butcher the animal.

Only when she turned that she stopped talking and a blush invaded her cheeks. She turned, showing her back to us as she seemed to stare into the fire. Her love for Andrew was obvious, even when she talked about him, her voice would go softer as if she was dreaming.

"I would like to meet him one day, he seems very nice and... quite a handsome guy." I whispered the last part into her ear, so Ryan couldn't hear it.

"Yes, he is and you shall when you'll come on our land." She laughed softly, getting her composure back as she helped my mate put the butchered animal on the fire.

"I was wondering, but what does your Kingdom look like Ryan? Is it similar to ours?" I asked now curious about their home.

"It is quite similar, but our lands are vaster than yours. In some regions, the weather is hotter, more hostile than here. However, if you come with me to my land, you'll not be disoriented. There's a lot of similarities between both Kingdoms." he explained as he washed his bloodied hands.

"Why is there two Kingdoms?" I asked since I wasn't taught about it at school.

My mate started to explain that long ago, there was only one united Kingdom. The King had two sons with two different women. One had the angelic wings and the other demonic wings. As they grew older, tensions started to build in the Kingdom. People would take sides depending on their wings. One day, war exploded and the heirs started to fight for the throne. The Aquilam clan, preferred order and hierarchy, classing people and soldiers into classes: knights or archers. The Ignis clan preferred the opposite idea, no hierarchy, everyone, even the weakest could become a great knight and a great archer if they worked hard enough. After years of quarrel and war, people were suffering, so the two Princes decided to finish this battle with a dual to the death. The results, the Ignis clan won. The Ignis Prince took most of the lands and became King, but the rest became the Aquilam Kingdom with a baby as a King. Time passed and tension was still visible between the two Kingdoms and no one ever talked to each other ever again.

That was the reason, there was no record of this. The Aquilam clan lost, so to keep their pride, they decided to hide the truth? Maybe everyone could be reunited again? If all the misunderstanding between us were to disappear, maybe we could all live together? However, centuries passed and people tend to forget about these, so how could I possibly unite to Kingdom when everything they were reached about each other was hate?

I sighed and took some meat Helena gave me. Would I get along with the people living in Ryan's Kingdom? Would they hate me, like they hate my kind?

"What trouble your mind?" asked my mate concerned.

"I was thinking about what you told me. If both Kingdoms hate each other so much, will I... Will I be accepted in your land? Plus, I don't even have wings..." I explained feeling depressed.

"Don't worry, they may be a bit suspicious and cold at first, but with time, they will like you." answered Helena with a warm smile. "It happened once when I was a child, another child from the Aquilam clan entered our lands by accident. He was lost and took refuge in my village. He was not hated, the family who took him in, treated him as family. Until some of your people came and claimed the boy back. Never saw him again." she explained and sighed at the end.

"I hope my journey there will go as well as the one in your memory." I said as a took the last bite of my meat.

After cleaning everything up, I returned in Ryan's arms and soon after, we were back in the sky. Their wings flapping powerfully in the air making us go at an incredible speed. I was wondering if I trained mine long enough, would they one day be as powerful as them? Contrarily to mine, theirs were huge and looked way stronger, not like mine who looked fragile and beautiful.

Suddenly, a roar was heard and we stopped in our tracks. We waited a bit and the dragons were now surrounding us. One of them was hurt and bleeding heavily, so we decided to land and treat the poor little guy. As Helena was tending to the injured one, Ryan 'talked' to the other two. In my part, I understood nothing, but grumbling and roaring. Yet, a few minutes later, my mate announced that the dragons found a place where my father had been seen.

We followed them and after an hour or so, we exited the forest, there were no trees to be seen, but a fire who was still hot. If the man the dragons saw, was really my father, he couldn't be far. That was what I hoped.

"Okay, little ones. I need your help again." Helena talked to the dragons. "Can you guys track a scent, so we could at least know in which direction the prey went?"

The creatures started to sniff around turning around the fireplace, then they sniffed the air. One of them grunted and he started to fly away. I supposed he wanted us to follow him?

"Let's hope, we will find your father soon. This way, I'll be sure you'll be mine and mine alone." mumbled my mate as I was in his arms making me blush.

"Yeah, I can't wait."

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