•• Chapter 48 ••

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Ryan POV

I took out a file and gave it to him. This arrived just a moment ago. It was about the plans that the generals and I made and the reports each one of them sent me.

"I want you to read it carefully, so you know what will happen in the following days," I explained as he carefully listened to what I was saying. "For the plans to carry out, I need to go."

"You're going to leave Keith alone?" he asked surprised which was the reaction that I was expecting.

"Yes, but if we want the war to end before it even started I need to go. I don't want anybody else getting harmed. That's why, when I'm gone, you'll temporarily take my place as King."

Sebastian's mouth hung open. "What?"

"I want you to be King in my stead. I can't lead my country and be at war at the same time. At first, I planned to give this duty to Keith, but..." I sighed, "As the King, I beg you to lead and protect my people when I am away. I'll be trusting you with all their lives. Please, accept my request."

Sebastian's mouth closed, but I could still see the surprise in his eyes. This man protected my mate countless of times and had always been on his side. He was calm and collected even in situations that pressured him. He was the only one that I could trust at the moment.

"I can't accept. I-I mean to be King! That's a lot of responsibility and... And I'm not sure that I'm able to lead the country as well as you do."

"You can. You won't be alone. Zack also received the same training I did to become King, but he's the main doctor and can't be here 24/7. He will be at your side, helping you. So, you do not need to worry you won't be alone. Please, accept my selfish request for me, for my mate," I begged.

"Okay, I'll do it," he finally accepted making me smile.

"Good, thank you. We have to make it official, so the sooner the better. I'll be counting on you," I pat his shoulder as he I walked until I was in front of him.

"It's the least I can do after all the things you have done for us. My family and I will always be grateful for your generosity," he was going to kneel, but I stopped him.

"You're the King now, you can't go and kneel in front of everyone," I joked making him chuckle.

"To more serious matter now," I started to explain the situation to him and how things worked. I told him the things he needed to do daily as well as the things that would take more time.

I was going to war in two days, so he would have a trial run tomorrow as well as the public event. I gave him a contract that he was to be King along with Zack Manson as long as I was on the front lines. When I will come back, the title will come back to me. In exchange for this favour, if we shall be victorious, his family would have my blessing to come live here. Not as criminals, but as full-fledged citizens.

When everyone was here, I gave Sebastian a pen and he signed at the bottom under my name. Then my brother did the same. Then I took out my stamp and dropped a few drops of hot wax on the paper before applying my stamp on it. I waited for it to cool down a little before taking it away. The deal was now complete. I rolled up the contract before putting in my safe until tomorrow afternoon.

"Now that is done, it's time for your training," I gently squeezed the back of Sebastian's neck as he nervously laughed.

As the day went, I let Sebastian take care of the paperwork and other things that I would usually do. I sat in a corner watching him and Zack working together. To be honest, I expected them to struggle a little more, but they were doing great. I could go to eat with my mind at peace... For this matter only.

Keith's condition hadn't improved or worsened. He was still in a comatose state still unresponsive to the treatment Zack was giving him. He told me to give him some time, but what if he didn't have time? How long could someone stay in a comatose state without water or food? I wasn't a doctor and I knew nothing of those things, but I trusted my brother. But, sometimes he too could make some mistakes... Which I hoped he wouldn't.

Night came rapidly and I let both of them go for the night. They will need it since tomorrow will be their test. I wasn't worried about it, but it was still my Kingdom and my people. I had never let someone be in my place for so long. I hated the plan we organized, but it was the fastest way to end this war with the Prince's life at the top of my sword.

In fact, having them declare war on us was a fucking surprise. Last time, we won and it was a crushing defeat for them, so I thought they would never do it again. They had fewer resources and wildlife than us. It wasn't fair, but we took most of the lands and that helped us grow into a much bigger Kingdom.

If we win, should I unify both Kingdoms and be at the top? I didn't want any more wars after this one. Too many innocent lives were at stakes.

Should I unify the two Kingdoms or just destroy the Aquilam's?

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