•• Chapter 19 ••

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We were almost there, almost arrived at the capital with the token that would seal our relationship forever. I was so excited we found my dad before the Prince, now he was obligated to keep his promise! That meant, not only Ryan and I could now be together, but I also get my wings back! My mate could finally see me in my entirety, I could finally fly again, be free with my mate at my side. The nightmare would soon be over, soon, everything would go back to normal and I may see how Ryan's Kingdom really was.

We landed in front of the King's place, we waited outside as one of the guards went to search for the King. At my surprise, the Prince was also here! What did that mean? Didn't he went to search for my father too?

"As promised, here's the traitor." my mate said as Helena threw Daniel, my father, on the ground. "Now, my mate gets his wings back and you abandon the idea of taking..."

"You guys really did it. Honestly, I didn't think you would be able to succeed. Yet you did in less than a week. I'm impressed." the Prince cut my mate as he crouched down to see the bonded man face. "Indeed, Keith will have his wings back as promised, but he's mine, not yours."

"What do you mean?" glared my mate.

"You heard me clearly, I'll still claim what is rightfully mine."

"You can't! You promised! You said that if we get my father before you do, you'll not only get my wings back, but you'll let us alone!" I shouted distressed as I gripped my mate's hand harder.

"They're the enemy and on our lands. Here, my Father's word is law, even for the King of the Ignis Kingdom." the Prince answered not fazed at all by my outburst. "Even if, who would you think the population will listen to? Our King or the enemy?"

I clenched my fists even harder. "If it's like that, I would be happy as hell if my father really succeeded to murder the King!" I shouted even louder, so not only them but the people around could hear too.

"How dare you talk to your King like that?!" shouted back the Prince. "I see, spending time with that filth made you turn against your own kind. Don't worry, I'll save you, Keith, I'll save you from their clutches."

"What are you talking about?!"

"Seize him!" ordered the Prince as the guard came and took me away from my mate.

"Ryan! No, let me go! Ryan!" I shouted while giving the guards a hard time as I kicked and punched around.

"That's enough!" Ryan raised his voice as the Moon Dragons appeared behind him and Helena. "It seems like the deal is off, that means, we don't need to hand him to you." added my mate as he cut the ropes that were binding my father. "Since you lot, don't know how to keep the words you spoke off, there's no need of being civil anymore." On the end of those words, the dragons started to growl loudly. Too loudly to be possible, there was only three of them and it sounded like there was almost ten of them. "This is my last warning, give my mate back and his wings or we will be obligated to use violence." finished my mate. 

Tears started to fill my eyes, he would go this far for me, even declaring a war. What did I do to have a mate like him? I was truly blessed and happy, that's why. That's why I needed to do something. But what could I possibly do?

When no one moved to give me back, more Moon Dragons appeared and they were looking way more dangerous. There was at least twenty of them!

"You would dare attack on a ground still populated by civilian?!" shouted the King in disbelief.

"This can eventually be avoided if your son would give my mate back." answered Ryan in a calm voice already unleashing a sword that I didn't know the existence.

"Even if I do, Keith's family and friends are still here! Do you think he would leave them behind if he knows harm may be done to them?" added the Prince.

"Then you say, you are going to harm your own people because Keith refused you?" asked Ryan and then started to laugh. "If you're indeed the heir of this Kingdom, it wouldn't even last a year before it collapses. Your dear Father would be a bigger fool than yourself if he really considerate this idea."

The Prince's face was now all red of anger, even his eyes were shooting my mate daggers. What was Ryan doing? He would never get me back like that! Definitely, I had to do something think myself! Think!!

Then I had an idea, I just really hope everything would be as planned. I hoped.

"Ryan, enough..." I said loud enough, so they could hear me. "I'll go with the Prince, I prefer to see you safe and sound than trying to give away your life for me. If you died here, I wouldn't know what to do... That's why, please?" I begged as tears started to fall from my eyes. I could clearly see the confusion in his eyes.

"Why? You know full well that if you go with him, our bond would be lost forever!" he answered back panic filled his voice for the first time.

"I know that! But at least, I'll know you'll be safe." I answered back weakly.

"I don't believe you!"

"Then I shall prove it!" I shouted as I turned to the Prince. I got out of the guard hold and ran toward the Prince. He first looked confused, but when I jumped into his arms and hold myself with my arms on his neck, he looked more than pleased. I took a shaky breath, closed my eyes and kissed the man.

Please, forgive me Ryan.

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