•• Chapter 20 ••

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So, disgusting.

Since I kissed the Prince, it was disgusting, filthy. I could only think of going brush my teeth with anything that would erase my action. I would do anything to make Ryan forget about what he was seeing.


I could feel the pain my mate was feeling through our bond, but it was amplified since I felt it too and because of that, I nearly cried, but I couldn't. I was hoping everything would end soon.

Please, forgive me, Ryan.

As soon as the Prince got carried away by the kiss, I let him do. I even responded to him, I had to or he wouldn't believe me. I even went as far as touching his chest, his hair... Then slowly I got it out and with all my forces I stabbed him. I was then pushed away on the ground as the Prince screamed in pain. He was now shooting daggers to me from his glare, but I didn't care. I was so glad that I succeeded, yet disappointed that I failed to kill him.

However, I was wasting no time, I ran toward Ryan in tears. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I... am... s-sorry..." I said as I started to cry uncontrollably.

He welcomed me into his arms as I continued to say "I'm sorry" while crying all the water from my body. Never would I be able to forgive myself, never. This scene would ever be burned into my mind, my memory...

"I didn't mean to hurt us, you, but I didn't know what else to do..." I sobbed into his chest as he held me tighter into his arms as I did the same absolutely refusing to let go as if he could disappear at any moment.

"It's okay Keith, don't blame yourself anymore. I forgive you since I knew... I knew you were lying, but you still gave me a heart attack, never do that again." he confessed as I started to cry louder when I heard his answer.

How could he forgive me so easily? I did hurt him, by kissing the one he absolutely didn't want me with. So why? Why could he forgive me like that? I should be at least hit once, no until I almost died to make him feel betrayed.

"Curse you... When I get my hands on you, be sure that I'll discipline you thoroughly. I'll break you, count on me for this, so you can be the perfect little doll that you already are." the Prince panted as someone treated his wound.

I froze and held on my mate even tighter. I didn't like it, I didn't feel like this was my home anymore. Every single one of them only thought about themselves, first my father. Then the King and now the Prince... It was enough for me, enough to leave this place and go wherever my mate wanted. I only need him...

Only him, wouldn't betray me.

Only him, wouldn't leave me.

Only him, truly loved me.

Even if, I had no wings.

Even if, I was weak.

Even if, I hurt him.

He still loves me.

"Then you'll have to come and get us on our land and be warned when you will be prepared for a war." warned Ryan before he extended his powerful wings and took off in the sky as I continued to sob and refused to let go of my dead grip.

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