•• Chapter 32 ••

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My wings grew bigger as the days passed. Now they were half way out. It wasn't without pain because of the pace my wings had to grow back. Usually, they would take a few months for children, but Zack explained it was like the potion forced my wings out.

However, I was too excited to be able to fly again than caring about the pain.

Today, we would go visit mom's house to announce the good news! I couldn't wait to show Sebastian, to tell him that we could race against each other again!

I didn't know that I was giggling and smiling until Ryan asked me what I had in mind.

"I can't wait to tell everyone! Especially Sebastian, we can race against each other all over again!" I exclaimed happily. Then an idea came to me. "You'll race with us right?" I asked hopefully even thought I knew that I would not be able to win.

"Maybe," that was his I only answer making me pout.

"Do you think you'll lose?" I asked waiting for his reaction. "I won't blame you if it was the case, since Sebastian was one of the fastest in the Aquilam Kingdom," I taunted.

"You think I will lose to him?" he sounded shocked or hurt.

"I don't know, but he's very fast, I never won against him..." I muttered knowing the fact that my wings were half the size of Sebastian's.

I could feel Ryan gaze on me, making me chew on my bottom lip and blush. What was he thinking?

"Let's organize a race to find out," my mate suggested making me gasp.


"Yeah, anyone can participate," he nodded making me jump on him with my arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

"Let's add a prize for the winner!" I suggested and he grunted, making me kiss his cheek. "What should be the prize?" I asked as he looked in my eyes before his gaze trailing down to my lips. I blushed and started to nibble on the bottom one.


"But if neither you or Sebastian get first place?" I said nervously.

"Not going to happen," he answered, but before I could protest, he leaned in and gently kissed me. His tongue swiping on my bottom lip making me open my mouth.

Without waiting, his tongue plunged inside making me moan. His hands went under my shirt and pinched my nipples.

I broke the kiss by moaning and pushing on Ryan's chest and panted loudly.

I could always feel his gaze on me, it felt like he was touching me. I whimpered as I could feel his obvious erection poking at my tight.

"We still have time before going to your mom's house," groaned my mate as he threw me on the bed.


To read the full chapter go on Tapas. All mature scenes will be there.
Same username and story name.

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